Answers Database
XC4000E/EX/XL/XV/XLT: Duty Cycle
Record #1494
Problem Title:
XC4000E/EX/XL/XV/XLT: Duty Cycle
Problem Description:
Urgency: Standard
Keywords: Duty Cycle, 4000, Routes, transistors
XC4000E/EX/XL/XV/XLT Design:
- I'm developing a high density project with a 4013E PQ240-4 LCA.
- I must use six global buffers for clocks (at 34MHz) distribution.
-> I have a input signal, at 34MHz with 50% duty cycle, that go through
few level of
combinatorial logic, but it outputs with a duty cycle less than 50% and
routing dependent.
For example, in a unlucky routing, I have obtained (input signal with
Ton = Toff = 14.7 ns)
the output signal with Ton = 4.7 ns and Toff = 24.7 ns.
Now, I have two questions:
1. why the duty cycle fall?
2. how can I do to avoid my problem?
Solution 1:
When you run a signal through several levels of logic, it is unavoidable that th
e duty cycle gets changed a little.
For the duty cycle to be unaffected, the delay of the rising edge would have to
be exactly as long as the delay of the falling edge. But completely different tr
ansistors are responsible for each edge.
So, the best our designers can do, is to carefully match the drive of the
pull-up and the pull-down, so theta the two edges are delayed by almost the same
amount. And that's what they have done.
Apparently, this case is worse.
Once you understand the reason, there is a way to improve the situation.
You can turn your signal "upside down" at various places in the chain, and thus
mix up the rising and falling delays. Since inputs to and outputs from function
generators can be inverted "for free", these modifications don't affect the
routing. The simplest way would be to poke around in XDE, invert selected parts
of the chain, and measure the result physically. ( I would not trust XDELAY or a
simulator with the timing anaysis. They usually just give tou the worst-case de
lay, which in this particular case, is not what one is after.
End of Record #1494
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