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XC3000: Must enable Crystal Oscillator Option in Makebits so OSC can be used.

Record #1497

Product Family:  Software

Product Line:  FPGA Core

Problem Title:
XC3000: Must enable Crystal Oscillator Option in Makebits so OSC can be

Problem Description:
To use the OSC primitive with the external crystal controlled
oscillator with the XC3000 devices, you must enable the
Crystal Oscilaltor Option in Makebits. If you fail to do so,
the following MAkebits error occurs:

Makebits: Oscillator `' (OSC) disabled but used on net CLK_1.
Makebits: Error(s) generating bitstream.
Xilinx LCA MAKEBITS Ver. 5.2.1 ended abnormally

Solution 1:

Enable the Crsytal Oscillator option in the Configuration Template when running
makebits program. To do this, do the following in Design Manager:
Design -> Implement -> Edit Template(Configuration)->Crystal Oscillator -> Enabl

If makebits is run from the command line, the -s1 option
needs to be used.

For more information on makebits program, refer to
Chapter 7 in the Development System Reference Guide - Vol. 2
For more information on OSC primitive, refer to page 3-389 of
the Libraries Guide.

End of Record #1497

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