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M1 Constraints: How do I specify Timespec and Timegroup constraints in aUCF file

Record #1607

Product Family:  Software

Product Line:  FPGA Implementation

Problem Title:
M1 Constraints: How do I specify Timespec and Timegroup constraints in
aUCF file

Problem Description:
Keywords: ucf, timespec, timegroup, constraint, timing

Urgency: Hot

General Description:
The User Constraint File (UCF) is a user created ASCII file that holds user
timing and location constraints. It is read by ngdbuild, which also takes
a design netlist, like edif, and produces a .ngd file.

Solution 1:

 Sample Timing Constraint Schematic
Sample Timing Constraint Schematic
-- User Constraint File (UCF) Below--- # This is a comment # Period specifies minimum PERIOD of CLK net. Offset specifies # that data on MAY, can arrive upto 6 ns before the clock edge arrives # on CLK. NOTE: Period constraints do not apply to elements in # ouput pads. NET CLK PERIOD = 20ns; NET MAY OFFSET = IN:6ns:BEFORE:CLK_PD; # Groups all clocked loads of CLK2 into CLK2_LOADS timegroup # Groups all clocked loads of VAL into VAL_LOADS timegroup # TNM => Timegroup NaMe NET CLK2 TNM=CLK2_LOADS; NET VAL TNM=VAL_LOAD; # Specifies worst case speed of path from IPAD to CLK2 loads. # Includes pad, buffer, and net delays. TS01 is a timespec # identifier; it can have names of the form TS<string>. # PADS(CLK2_PD) is a timegroup name specified inside of a # timespec. TIMESPEC TS01=FROM:PADS(CLK2_PD):TO:CLK2_LOADS=15ns; # Specifies the maximum frequency for all loads clocked by CLK2. TIMESPEC TS02=FROM:CLK2_LOADS:TO:CLK2_LOADS=30Mhz; # Specifies the minimum delay on the path from Synchronous # RAM to OFD. Includes Clock to Out delay, net delay, # and setup time. TIMESPEC TS03=FROM:CLK2_LOADS:TO:VAL_LOAD=15000ps; End of Record #1607

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