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M1-Pre: How to get MAP to report number of flip-flops, LUTs used

Record #1637

Product Family:  Software

Product Line:  Merged Core

Problem Title:
M1-Pre: How to get MAP to report number of flip-flops, LUTs used

Problem Description:
   The design.mrp file will reveal statistics on device utilization, as
shown here:
Design Summary:
   Number of warnings:	  90
   Number of errors:	   0
   Number of CLBs:	      922 out of 1024
   Number of external IOBs:   138 out of  160
   Number of BUFGLSs:		3 out of    8
   Number of RPM macros:	9

 However, note that there is no report of the number of flip flops or
LUT (look-up tables).

Solution 1:

To have map report this information, set the environment
variable XIL_MAP_BEL_CNT to 1, and run map. You may set
this variable on your UNIX workstation by typing:

setenv XIL_MAP_BEL_CNT 1

Once this has been done, and map has completed, the design
summary will show the following:

Design Summary

   Number of warnings:	  90
   Number of errors:	   0
   Number of CLBs:	      922 out of 1024
      Flops/latches:  738
      4 input LUTs:   1678
      3 input LUTs:   478
   Number of external IOBs:   138 out of  160
      IO flops/latches:  0
   Number of BUFGLSs:		3 out of    8
   Number of RPM macros:	9

End of Record #1637

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