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Checking the Hardware and software requirement on Workstation and PC.

Record #1679

Product Family:  Software

Product Line:  Merged Core

Problem Title:
Checking the Hardware and software requirement on Workstation and PC.

Problem Description:
This solution describes the unix command to check on HP, Solaris, SunOS, Windows
95, Windows NT :

Operating system version
System Memory (RAM)
Swap Space
Disk space

Solution 1:

Windows95 - Windows NT :

Control Panel -> System -> General Folder
			-> Performance

Solution 2:

HP :

	Operating system version :

		 uname -a
		 uname -r

	System Memory (RAM) :

	and look for the lines that has "Memory Information"

	Swap Space :

		 /etc/swapinfo -m

	Disk Space :

	       or /dev/rdsk/c0t6d0
	       or /etc/ioscan

Solution 3:

Solaris :

	Operating system version :

		 uname -a
	     or  uname -r
	     or  showrev

	System Memory (RAM) :


	Swap Space :

		 swap -s

	Disk Space :


Solution 4:

SunOS :

       Operating system version :

		 uname -a
	     or  uname -r
	     or  showrev

	System Memory (RAM) :


	Swap Space :

		 pstat -s

	Disk Space :


End of Record #1679

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