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M1/XSI v1.1.1a: Template runscripts in $XILINX/synopsys/examples are incorrect

Record #2037

Problem Title:
M1/XSI v1.1.1a: Template runscripts in $XILINX/synopsys/examples are

Problem Description:
keywords: M1,xsi,synopsys,runscript,instance

urgency: hot

general description:
template runscripts in the $XILINX/synopsys/examples
area are incorrectly write out the .sxnf or .sedif
file before the ungroup -all -flatten procedure.

In general, this is alright, but if you are referencing
register cell names withing the Synopsys environment,
executing the write command before ungroup -all -flatten
will result in instance name in the .ngd file which
do not correspond to the names in the .ncf file.

For example, consider the following Synopsys timing

set_max_delay 100 -from "U2/U3" -to "U2/U4"

where U2/U3 and U2/U4 are FF instances names.  If
the .sxnf or .sedif file is produced before
ungroup -all -flatten, the resulting .ngd file will
have the FF's renamed to U2/U3/$1I13 and U2/U4/$1I13.
Instances in the .ncf file will not correspond to
the .ngd file.	ngdbuild will be unable to create
a .ngd file because it cannot find instances U2/U3
and U2/U4, because they now exist as U2/U3/$1I13
and U2/U4/$1I13.

To prevent this from happening, write out the .sxnf
and .sedif file, *after* the ungroup -all -flatten
command. This solution contains the corrected runscripts.

In general, this is only a problem with instance names of
registers. If your timing constraints have referenced
ports or signals/wires, this may not be an issue.

Solution 1:

/* ==================================================*/
/*    Sample Script for Synopsys to Xilinx Using     */
/*		    FPGA Compiler		     */
/*						     */
/*  Targets the Xilinx XC4028EX-3 and assumes a VHDL */
/*	   source file by way of an example.	     */
/*						     */
/*   For general use with XC4000E/EX architectures.  */
/*	Not suitable for use with XC3000A/XC5200     */
/*		    architectures.		     */
/* ==================================================*/

/* ================================================= */
/* Set the name of the design's top-level module.    */
/* (Makes the script more readable and portable.)    */
/* Also set some useful variables to record the      */
/* designer and company name.			     */
/* ================================================= */

   TOP = <design_name>
		       /* ========================== */
		       /* Note: Assumes design file- */
		       /* name and entity name are   */
		       /* the same (minus extension) */
		       /* ========================== */

   designer = "XSI Team"
   company  = "Xilinx, Inc"
   part     = "4028expg299-3"

/* ================================================= */
/* Analyze and Elaborate the design file and specify */
/* the design file format.			     */
/* ================================================= */

   analyze -format vhdl TOP + ".vhd"

		     /* ============================ */
		     /* You must analyze lower-level */
		     /* hierarchy modules here	     */
		     /* ============================ */
   elaborate TOP

/* ================================================= */
/* Set the current design to the top level.	     */
/* ================================================= */

   current_design TOP

/* ================================================= */
/* Set the synthesis design constraints.	     */
/* ================================================= */

   remove_constraint -all

   /* Some example constraints */
   create_clock <clock_port_name> -period 50
   set_input_delay 5 -clock <clock_port_name> \
     { <a_list_of_input_ports> }
   set_output_delay 5 -clock <clock_port_name> \
     { <a_list_of_output_ports> }
   set_max_delay 100 -from <source> -to <destination>
   set_false_path -from <source> -to <destination>

/* ================================================= */
/* Indicate those ports on the top-level module that */
/* should become chip-level I/O pads. Assign any I/O */
/* attributes or parameters and perform the I/O      */
/* synthesis.					     */
/* ================================================= */

   set_port_is_pad "*"

   /* Some example I/O parameters */
   set_pad_type -pullup <port_name>
   set_pad_type -no_clock all_inputs()
   set_pad_type -clock <clock_port_name>
   set_pad_type -exact BUFGS_F <hi_fanout_port_name>
   set_pad_type -slewrate HIGH all_outputs()

		    /* ============================= */
		    /* Note: Synopsys slew-control=  */
		    /* HIGH is the same as Xilinx's  */
		    /* slewrate=SLOW. Synopsys slew- */
		    /* control=LOW is same as Xilinx */
		    /* slewrate=FAST.		     */
		    /* ============================= */

/* ================================================= */
/* Synthesize and optimize the design		     */
/* ================================================= */

   compile -boundary_optimization

/* ================================================= */
/* Write the design report files.		     */
/* ================================================= */

   report_fpga > TOP + ".fpga"
   report_timing > TOP + ".timing"

/* ================================================= */
/* Write out the design to a DB file. (Post compile) */
/* ================================================= */

   write -format db -hierarchy -output TOP + "_compiled.db"

/* ================================================= */
/* Replace CLBs and IOBs with gates.		     */
/* ================================================= */


/* ================================================= */
/* Set the part type for the output netlist.	     */
/* ================================================= */

   set_attribute TOP "part" -type string part

/* ================================================= */
/* Optional attribute to remove the FPGA Compiler's  */
/* mapping structures from the design. This permits  */
/* The Xilinx design implementation tools to map the */
/* design instead.				     */
/* ================================================= */

/* set_attribute find(design,"*") "xnfout_write_map_symbols" \
     -type boolean FALSE  */

/* ================================================= */
/* Add any I/O constraints to the design.	     */
/* ================================================= */

   set_attribute <port_name> "pad_location" \
     -type string "<pad_location>"

/* ================================================= */
/* Write out the design to a DB. (Post replace_fpga) */
/* ================================================= */

   write -format db -hierarchy -output TOP + ".db"

/* ================================================= */
/* Write-out the timing constraints that were	     */
/* applied earlier. (Note that any design hierarchy  */
/* needs to be flattened before the constraints are  */
/* written-out.)				     */
/* ================================================= */

   ungroup -all -flatten
   write_script > TOP + ".dc"

/* ================================================= */
/* Save design in XNF format as <design>.sxnf	     */
/* ================================================= */

   write -format xnf -hierarchy -output TOP + ".sxnf"

/* ================================================= */
/* Call the Synopsys-to-Xilinx constraints translator*/
/* utility DC2NCF to convert the Synopsys constraints*/
/* to a Xilinx NCF file. You may like to view	     */
/* dc2ncf.log to review the translation process.     */
/* ================================================= */

   sh dc2ncf TOP + ".dc"

/* ================================================= */
/* Exit the Compiler.				     */
/* ================================================= */


/* ================================================= */
/* Now run the Xilinx design implementation tools.   */
/* ================================================= */

Solution 2:

/* ==================================================*/
/*    Sample Script for Synopsys to Xilinx Using     */
/*		    FPGA Compiler		     */
/*						     */
/*   Targets the Xilinx XC5210-5 and assumes a VHDL  */
/*	   source file by way of an example.	     */
/*						     */
/*    For general use with XC3000A/L and XC5200      */
/*		    architectures.		     */
/*	  Not suitable for use with XC4000E/EX	     */
/*		    architectures.		     */
/* ==================================================*/

/* ================================================= */
/* Set the name of the design's top-level module.    */
/* (Makes the script more readable and portable.)    */
/* Also set some useful variables to record the      */
/* designer and company name.			     */
/* ================================================= */

   TOP = <design_name>
		       /* ========================== */
		       /* Note: Assumes design file- */
		       /* name and entity name are   */
		       /* the same (minus extension) */
		       /* ========================== */

   designer = "XSI Team"
   company  = "Xilinx, Inc"
   part     = "5210pq160-5"

/* ================================================= */
/* Analyze and Elaborate the design file and specify */
/* the design file format.			     */
/* ================================================= */

   analyze -format vhdl TOP + ".vhd"

		     /* ============================ */
		     /* You must analyze lower-level */
		     /* hierarchy modules here	     */
		     /* ============================ */
   elaborate TOP

/* ================================================= */
/* Set the current design to the top level.	     */
/* ================================================= */

   current_design TOP

/* ================================================= */
/* Set the synthesis design constraints.	     */
/* ================================================= */

   remove_constraint -all

   /* Some example constraints */
   create_clock <clock_port_name> -period 50
   set_input_delay 5 -clock <clock_port_name> \
     { <a_list_of_input_ports> }
   set_output_delay 5 -clock <clock_port_name> \
     { <a_list_of_output_ports> }
   set_max_delay 100 -from <source> -to <destination>
   set_false_path -from <source> -to <destination>

/* ================================================= */
/* Indicate those ports on the top-level module that */
/* should become chip-level I/O pads. Assign any I/O */
/* attributes or parameters and perform the I/O      */
/* synthesis.					     */
/* ================================================= */

   set_port_is_pad "*"

   /* Some example I/O parameters */
   set_pad_type -pullup <port_name>
   set_pad_type -no_clock all_inputs()
   set_pad_type -clock <clock_port_name>
   set_pad_type -exact BUFG_F <hi_fanout_port_name>
   set_pad_type -slewrate HIGH all_outputs()

		    /* ============================= */
		    /* Note: Synopsys slew-control=  */
		    /* HIGH is the same as Xilinx's  */
		    /* slewrate=SLOW. Synopsys slew- */
		    /* control=LOW is same as Xilinx */
		    /* slewrate=FAST.		     */
		    /* ============================= */

/* ================================================= */
/* Synthesize and optimize the design		     */
/* ================================================= */

   compile -boundary_optimization

/* ================================================= */
/* Write the design report files.		     */
/* ================================================= */

   report_fpga > TOP + ".fpga"
   report_timing > TOP + ".timing"

/* ================================================= */
/* Set the part type for the output netlist.	     */
/* ================================================= */

   set_attribute TOP "part" -type string part

/* ================================================= */
/* Optional attribute to remove the FPGA Compiler's  */
/* mapping structures from the design. This permits  */
/* The Xilinx design implementation tools to map the */
/* design instead.				     */
/* ================================================= */

/* set_attribute find(design,"*") "xnfout_write_map_symbols" \
     -type boolean FALSE  */

/* ================================================= */
/* Add any I/O constraints to the design.	     */
/* ================================================= */

   set_attribute <port_name> "pad_location" \
     -type string "<pad_location>"

/* ================================================= */
/* Write out the design to a DB file.		     */
/* ================================================= */

   write -format db -hierarchy -output TOP + ".db"

/* ================================================= */
/* Write-out the timing constraints that were	     */
/* applied earlier. (Note that any design hierarchy  */
/* needs to be flattened before the constraints are  */
/* written-out.)				     */
/* ================================================= */

   ungroup -all -flatten
   write_script > TOP + ".dc"

/* ================================================= */
/* Save design in XNF format as <design>.sxnf	     */
/* ================================================= */

   write -format xnf -hierarchy -output TOP + ".sxnf"

/* ================================================= */
/* Call the Synopsys-to-Xilinx constraints translator*/
/* utility DC2NCF to convert the Synopsys constraints*/
/* to a Xilinx NCF file. You may like to view	     */
/* dc2ncf.log to review the translation process.     */
/* ================================================= */

   sh dc2ncf TOP + ".dc"

/* ================================================= */
/* Exit the Compiler.				     */
/* ================================================= */


/* ================================================= */
/* Now run the Xilinx design implementation tools.   */
/* ================================================= */

Solution 3:

/* ==================================================*/
/*    Sample Script for Synopsys to Xilinx Using     */
/*		  Design Compiler		     */
/*						     */
/*  Targets the Xilinx XC4028EX-3 and assumes a VHDL */
/*	   source file by way of an example.	     */
/*						     */
/*   For general use with all Xilinx architectures.  */
/* ==================================================*/

/* ================================================= */
/* Set the name of the design's top-level module.    */
/* (Makes the script more readable and portable.)    */
/* Also set some useful variables to record the      */
/* designer and company name.			     */
/* ================================================= */

   TOP = <design_name>
		       /* ========================== */
		       /* Note: Assumes design file- */
		       /* name and entity name are   */
		       /* the same (minus extension) */
		       /* ========================== */

   designer = "XSI Team"
   company  = "Xilinx, Inc"
   part     = "4028expg299-3"

/* ================================================= */
/* Analyze and Elaborate the design file and specify */
/* the design file format.			     */
/* ================================================= */

   analyze -format vhdl TOP + ".vhd"

		     /* ============================ */
		     /* You must analyze lower-level */
		     /* hierarchy modules here	     */
		     /* ============================ */
   elaborate TOP

/* ================================================= */
/* Set the current design to the top level.	     */
/* ================================================= */

   current_design TOP

/* ================================================= */
/* Set the synthesis design constraints.	     */
/* ================================================= */

   remove_constraint -all

   /* Some example constraints */
   create_clock <clock_port_name> -period 50
   set_input_delay 5 -clock <clock_port_name> \
     { <a_list_of_input_ports> }
   set_output_delay 5 -clock <clock_port_name> \
     { <a_list_of_output_ports> }
   set_max_delay 100 -from <source> -to <destination>
   set_false_path -from <source> -to <destination>

/* ================================================= */
/* Indicate those ports on the top-level module that */
/* should become chip-level I/O pads. Assign any I/O */
/* attributes or parameters and perform the I/O      */
/* synthesis.					     */
/* ================================================= */

   set_port_is_pad "*"

   /* Some example I/O parameters */
   set_pad_type -pullup <port_name>
   set_pad_type -no_clock all_inputs()
   set_pad_type -clock <clock_port_name>
   set_pad_type -exact BUFGS_F <hi_fanout_port_name>
   set_pad_type -slewrate HIGH all_outputs()

		    /* ============================= */
		    /* Note: Synopsys slew-control=  */
		    /* HIGH is the same as Xilinx's  */
		    /* slewrate=SLOW. Synopsys slew- */
		    /* control=LOW is same as Xilinx */
		    /* slewrate=FAST.		     */
		    /* ============================= */

/* ================================================= */
/* Synthesize and optimize the design		     */
/* ================================================= */

   compile -boundary_optimization

/* ================================================= */
/* Write the design report files.		     */
/* ================================================= */

   report_area > TOP + ".area"
   report_timing > TOP + ".timing"

/* ================================================= */
/* Set the part type for the output netlist.	     */
/* ================================================= */

   set_attribute TOP "part" -type string part

/* ================================================= */
/* Add any I/O constraints to the design.	     */
/* ================================================= */

   set_attribute <port_name> "pad_location" \
     -type string "<pad_location>"

/* ================================================= */
/* Write out the design to a DB file.		     */
/* ================================================= */

   write -format db -hierarchy -output TOP + ".db"

/* ================================================= */
/* Write-out the timing constraints that were	     */
/* applied earlier. (Note that any design hierarchy  */
/* needs to be flattened before the constraints are  */
/* written-out.)				     */
/* ================================================= */

   ungroup -all -flatten
   write_script > TOP + ".dc"

/* ================================================= */
/* Save design in EDIF format as <design>.sedif      */
/* ================================================= */

   write -format edif -hierarchy -output TOP + ".sedif"

/* ================================================= */
/* Call the Synopsys-to-Xilinx constraint translator */
/* utility DC2NCF to convert the Synopsys constraints*/
/* to a Xilinx NCF file. You may like to view	     */
/* dc2ncf.log to review the translation process.     */
/* ================================================= */

   sh dc2ncf TOP + ".dc"

/* ================================================= */
/* Exit the Compiler.				     */
/* ================================================= */


/* ================================================= */
/* Now run the Xilinx design implementation tools.   */
/* ================================================= */

Solution 4:

If you have already compiled the design, and already
written out the .sxnf/.sedif files(If you run write before
ungroup -all -flatten, multiple .sxnf/.sedif files
will be created, then another possible workaround
is to append the string $1I13 to all register instance
names.	For example, if a FF was named U2/U5/U7 and
write was done before ungroup, then the edit the
name in the .ncf file to U2/U5/U7/$1I13.

Solution 5:

If you have already written out the .sxnf/.sedif
files, another workaround is to re-read these
files back into FPGA/Design Compiler, re-run
ungroup -all -flatten, and the write out the
.sxnf or .sedif file.  This procedure will result
in a single .sxnf or .sedif file being produced;This
.sxnf or .sedif file will now correspond to the .ncf
file produced earlier.

End of Record #2037

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