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XNFPREP 5.2.1: Errors 7822, 7854 from constraints file TIMESPEC

Record #2051

Product Family:  Software

Product Line:  FPGA Core

Problem Title:
XNFPREP 5.2.1: Errors 7822, 7854 from constraints file TIMESPEC

Problem Description:
Keywords: .cst, xmake, tnm, xact-performance, constraint

Urgency: standard

General Description:
   When creating a constraints file with a "timespec" line in it, XNFPREP errors
 7822, 7854 may occur.

Solution 1:

The diagnosis given in the error message should be checked first. The correct sy
ntax for a TIMESPEC in a .cst file is:


This goes on a line by itself in a regular ASCII text file.
If you have the proper syntax, and the TNMs exist (abc, xyz in this example), th
en the problem may be that you have spaces in the TIMESPEC line. The following l
ine may cause problems because of spaces:

timespec="TS01=FROM: abc :TO:xyz = 40";

Refer to (Xilinx Solution 1331) for more information on TIMESPECs in constraints

End of Record #2051

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