Answers Database
HDL timing simulation: compiling testbench reveals port mismatches
Record #2283
Product Family: Software
Product Line: Merged Core
Problem Title:
HDL timing simulation: compiling testbench reveals port mismatches
Problem Description:
Keywords: VHDL, Verilog, testbench, simulation, ports, DOWNTO
Urgency: Hot
General Description:
Compiling your unit-under-test design from NGD2VER or NGD2VHDL along with your t
estbench reveals mismatches on bused ports.
Solution 1:
This problem comes about when your unit under test has top-level ports that
are defined as LSB-to-MSB, e.g.,
Verilog: input [0:7] A;
VHDL: A: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 to 7);
The Xilinx design database does not keep track of the direction in which
buses were defined in the original design. When NGD2VER or NGD2VHDL writes
out a structural timing Verilog or VHDL description, all buses are written
as MSB-to-LSB, e.g.,
Verilog: input [7:0] A;
VHDL: A: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
If your ports were originally defined as LSB-to-MSB in your original design
and testbench, this results in a port mismatch when the testbench is
compiled for timing simulation. There are two ways to work around this
1. In the testbench, modify the instantiation of the unit under test so
that all ports are defined as MSB-to-LSB for timing simulation, OR
2. Define all ports as MSB-to-LSB in the original design and testbench.
End of Record #2283
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