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M1: How to find the C Vol Serial Number and ethernet address?

Record #2302

Product Family:  Software

Product Line:  M1 Graphical/General

Problem Title:
M1:  How to find the C Vol Serial Number and ethernet address?

Problem Description:
Keywords:  license, c vol serial, ethernet address

Urgency:  Hot

General Description:  Shown below are procedures to find your C vol serial
number and your ethernet address.

Solution 1:

For M1.3 (i.e., flexlm version 5.0)
The ethernet address is found by opening an MS-DOS session and typing:

<full_path_to_Xilinx_executables>\lmutil lmhostid

If the software has not been installed yet, just run it off the CD like so:

D:\bin\nt\lmutil\lmhostid  < This should give you a 12 digit number>

For M1.4 (i.e., flexlm version 5.12)
The Volume Serial Number must be from the C:\drive, even if the software
is to be installed elsewhere.  Open an MS-DOS session and type VOL C:

Start->Programs-> (Xilinx / Xilinx Foundation Series which ever applies ) -> Fle
xLM License Manager -> Advanced -> Diagnostics

This will give you the information similar to the following :

	HOSTNAME = <machine name>
	USER = <user name>
	DISPLAY= <machine name>
	INTERNET= <ip address>
		  <12 digits ethernet address >
	DISK_SERIAL_NUM= <C volume serial number>

End of Record #2302

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