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Foundation M1 Beta 2: Incorrectly uses MYXILINX environment variable

Record #2448

Product Family:  Software

Product Line:  Aldec

Problem Title:
Foundation M1 Beta 2:  Incorrectly uses MYXILINX environment variable

Problem Description:
Keywords:  MYXILINX, Foundation, Design Manager
Urgency:  Hot

General Description:
If you have a MYXILINX environment variable set, Foundation
will ONLY look in this location for the Xilinx executables it
needs, ie, DSGNMGR.EXE and XABEL executables.  The proper
functionality is that it should look in the MYXILINX location
first, and then if it doesn't find what it needs there, then
look in the XILINX env. variable location.  Currently in this
Beta version it ONLY looks in MYXILINX.

(The MYXILINX environment variable allows users to add
patches or updated data files into their Xilinx M1
environment without overwriting the original files,
making removal of patches easier.)

Solution 1:

This problem only happens if a MYXILINX variable is set.
Therefore, one solution is to unset the MYXILINX variable and
to move all the files in MYXILINX to XILINX.  The obvious
downside to this is that you will overwrite the files in the
XILINX location with those from MYXILINX.

Solution 2:

A second solution is to copy the executable it can't find from
XILINX into MYXILINX.  The 2 programs this problem will occur
with are Design Manager (DSGNMGR.EXE) and XABEL executables.
These are Xilinx programs which the Foundation tools invoke.
Look in the directory pointed to by the XILINX variable to find
the .EXE file that it claims it cannot find in MYXILINX, and
copy it into MYXILINX.

End of Record #2448

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