Answers Database
M1.x: license.dat - basic basnb security errors: (-1,73:2), (-5,116:2), (-2,134:2), (-15,10:10061), (-9,57:2), (-8,130:2), (-15,12:146), (-31,34:2) , (-3 4,147), (-15,9:1)
Record #2547
Product Family: Software
Product Line: M1 Graphical/General
Problem Title:
M1.x: license.dat - basic basnb security errors: (-1,73:2), (-5,116:2),
(-2,134:2), (-15,10:10061), (-9,57:2), (-8,130:2), (-15,12:146), (-31,34:2) ,
4,147), (-15,9:1)
Problem Description:
Keywords: License.dat, LM_LICENSE_FILE, basnb, SECURITY, lmgrd, xilinxd
Urgency: Hot
General Description: "ERROR:basnb - SECURITY ERROR -- Unable to lock license"
has many different causes.
Solution 1:
ERROR STRING: Invalid license file syntax (-2, 134:2)
Cause: This usually occurs when the line feeds have been
changed due to email corruption. Invalid character's
can also cause this problem.
Solution: Make sure the "\"s are at the end of each line. See
the following example of a valid license file.
Having "\"s or other special characters in the
middle of a line will cause this syntax error.
INCREMENT FND-STV-PC xilinxd 1.000 1-jan-0 0 8C42DC0E8270983E9719 \
"XSJ_blanche" DISK_SERIAL_NUM=312e10d7
PACKAGE FND-STV-PC xilinxd 1.000 20E03011FB68BDC65570 \
COMPONENTS="system-PC bit-PC \
xc3000D-PC xc4000X-PC xc5200X-PC \
Foundation-PC X-VHDL-PC "
Solution 2:
ERROR STRING: Cannot find license file (-1,73:2)
Cause: LM_LICENSE_FILE is not pointing to the M1 license.dat file.
*Is your LM_LICENSE_FILE variable set correctly?
Windows NT:
1. Right click the "My Computer" icon and select Properties,
click on the Environment tab.
2. The LM_LICENSE_FILE variable can be set in either the
System or User Variable section, but the User variable setting
will override the System variable setting.
3. After verifying the LM_LICENSE_FILE setting, make sure that
the M1 license.dat file itself is in the specified directory.
Windows 95:
1. At an MS-DOS prompt, type "echo %LM_LICENSE_FILE%" without
the quotes. This will display the current settings for the
2. Look in the directory specified by LM_LICENSE_FILE and make
sure that the M1 license.dat file is found in that directory.
1. Type echo $LM_LICENSE_FILE to view the current variable
2. CD to the LM_LICENSE_FILE directory and verify that the M1
license.dat is in that directory.
*Do you have another license.dat from another tool?
1. Put the M1 license.dat first unless you use Viewlogic
2. If you have a Viewlogic license.dat file, put it first and
separate with a ",;" (on the WS separate with a colon)
Example (Win95 autoexec.bat):
set LM_LICENSE_FILE=c:\wvoffice\standard\license.dat,;c:\flexlm\license.dat
Example (WinNT environment tab):
Value: c:\wvoffice\standard\license.dat,;c:\flexlm\license.dat
Workstation Example:
setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE /pv/standard/licence.dat :/flexlm/license.dat
Do you have the license.dat on a drive other than C:?
1. Create a directory called \Flexlm on the C: drive.
2. Put the license.dat in the C:\Flexlm directory.
3. set LM_LICENSE_FILE=C:\Flexlm\license.dat
Solution 3:
ERROR STRING: No such feature exists (-5,116:2)
- The license.dat is empty or everything is commented out.
- The INCREMENT or PACKAGE line is missing
- A certain feature is not licensed or the license.dat
that the LM_LICENSE_FILE variable points to is not for M1.
1. Make sure you have both an INCREMENT and PACKAGE line in your license.dat.
2. Verify that the LM_LICENSE_FILE variable is set to a correct,
and valid M1 license.dat.
3. If you have a Workview office license.dat for the PC make
sure the Viewlogic license.dat is first and is separted from
the M1 license.dat by a ",;"
set LM_LICENSE_FILE=c:\wvoffice\standard\license.dat,;c:\flexlm\license.dat
4. Make sure that each line for INCREMENT and PACKAGE ends with
a "\" (this is a continuation character) except the last line.
5. If you are on a PC, make sure you have a PC license. If you
are on a WS make sure you have a WS license.
Solution 4:
Cannot connect to license server (-15,10:10061), Winsock error
NOTE: The following only applies to floating licenses. Node
locked licenses do not have a SERVER or DAEMON line.
- Incorrect port or server is specified in LM_LICENSE_FILE
- Server does not have xilinxd running
- Server machine is down
- Server is not reachable from this node
1. Make sure that the LM_LICENSE_FILE variable on the client
matches the name and port address of the SERVER line in the
If the SERVER line has the following host and port:
SERVER squirrel DISK_SERIAL_NUM=365J5CD2 2200
Your LM_LICENSE_FILE should look like:
If you have the following:
Then set
2. Make sure xilinxd is running on the server machine.
On the client PC Type:
lmutil lmstat
On the client WS Type:
*If the license server is down only the software info line will
be displayed.
lmstat - Copyright (C) 1989-1994 Globetrotter Software, Inc.
Flexible License Manager status on Tue 8/12/97 17:56
*If xilinxd is up and running, the following will be displayed:
lmstat - Copyright (C) 1989-1994 Globetrotter Software, Inc.
Flexible License Manager status on Tue 8/12/97 17:53
License server status (License file: 2200@squirrel):
squirrel: license server UP (MASTER)
Vendor daemon status (on squirrel):
xilinxd (v3.x): UP
*How to start xilinxd:
- On PCs use "lmgrd -app -c C:\path\to\license.dat"
- On workstations use "lmgrd -c /path/to/license.dat"
When starting xilinxd with lmgrd, check that the DAEMON line in the
license file has the correct path to xilinxd.
e.g. - DAEMON xilinxd C:\Xilinx\bin\nt\xilinxd
3. Alternative server name: Try using the IP address.
If squirrel has an IP of then change
the SERVER line to:
then set LM_LICENSE_FILE=2200@
If you continue to have problems contact your network
Solution 5:
ERROR STRING: Invalid host (-9,57:2)
Cause: A node locked license with the wrong Ethernet address or
C: drive serial number (C: drive serial must be used even if
the software is located on a different drive).
If the license is node locked to the C: drive, make sure the
keyword "DISK_SERIAL_NUM=" is included in the increment line
before the serial number. This keyword tells the license
manager which number to look for. The absence of this keyword
causes the license manager to compare the value against the
ethercard address.
Solution - A new license.dat with the correct information must
be generated. Editing the Ethernet address or C: drive serial
number to match the machine will result in another error.
To find out the C: serial number type the following at the
command prompt:
vol C:
To find out the Ethernet address on a PC type:
lmutil lmhostid
On WS:
Solution 6:
ERROR STRING: Invalid license key (inconsistent license
Cause: The license file has been incorrectly modified or is
corrupted. This usually happens when the license.dat has been
modified to match the machine's actual Ethernet address or C:
drive serial number (C: drive serial must be used even if the
software is located on a different drive).
Solution: A new license.dat must be generated with your machine's correct Ethern
address or C: drive serial number.
Solution 7:
ERROR STRING: Cannot connect to license server (-15,12:146)
Connection refused
This is similar to "Cannot connect to license server (-15,10:
10061) Winsock error" that is encountered on a PC. The
trouble shooting process is the same.
NOTE: The following only applies to floating licenses. Node
locked licenses do not have a SERVER or DAEMON line.
- Incorrect port or server is specified in LM_LICENSE_FILE
- Server does not have xilinxd running
- Server machine is down
- Server is not reachable from this node
1. Make sure that the LM_LICENSE_FILE variable on the client
matches the name and port address of the SERVER line in the
If the SERVER line has the following host and port:
SERVER squirrel DISK_SERIAL_NUM=365J5CD2 2200
your LM_LICENSE_FILE should look like:
If you have the following:
Then set
2. Make sure xilinxd is running on the server machine.
On the client PC Type:
lmutil lmstat
On the client WS Type:
If the license server is down, only the software info line will
be displayed.
lmstat - Copyright (C) 1989-1994 Globetrotter Software, Inc.
Flexible License Manager status on Tue 8/12/97 17:56
If xilinxd is up and running, the following will be displayed:
lmstat - Copyright (C) 1989-1994 Globetrotter Software, Inc.
Flexible License Manager status on Tue 8/12/97 17:53
License server status (License file: 2200@squirrel):
squirrel: license server UP (MASTER)
Vendor daemon status (on squirrel):
xilinxd (v3.x): UP
To start xilinxd:
- On PCs use "lmgrd -app -c C:\path\to\license.dat"
- On workstations use "lmgrd -c /path/to/license.dat"
When starting xilinxd with lmgrd check that the DAEMON line has
the correct path to xilinxd.
DAEMON xilinxd C:\Xilinx\bin\nt\xilinxd
3. Try using the IP address. If squirrel has an IP of then change the SERVER line to:
then set LM_LICENSE_FILE=2200@
If you continue to have problems contact your network
Solution 8:
ERROR STRING: Feature start date is in the future (-31,34:2)
ERROR: basse - Unable to lock license for map: Clock difference
too large between client and server (-34,147)
Cause: The actual date on the computer is set to a date in the
past prior to the date that the license was generated.
Solution: Check the system date from DOS and update it to
the correct date.
Solution 9:
client@port (License server does not support this
feature (-18, 155))
**This message could appear for xc4000D as well.
This is a benign error/warning.
M1 will run without problem since all 4K family are licensed
with 'XC4000X' feature.
If you check the 'PACKAGE' line of lincense.dat, the
unsupported feature above is not in the list.
Solution 10:
Error:basnb - unable to lock license for ngdbuild, invalid return from
server (-12,112)
The license server is not running.
1. If the license server has not been started, do so (see Release
Documents for more info on this).
2. If license server will not run, verify that all the information in
the license.dat file is correct, see the Release Documents for
troubleshooting, or if a new error message is generated, review this or
other solution records.
End of Record #2547
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