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M1 LOGIBLOX/XBLOX: Naming of RAM Address and Data pins differs in LogiBLOX And X-BLOX

Record #2631

Product Family:  Software

Product Line:  FPGA Implementation

Problem Title:
M1 LOGIBLOX/XBLOX: Naming of RAM Address and Data pins differs in

Problem Description:
Keywords: logiblox, addr data pin naming, xblox hdl

Urgency: standard

General Description:
Logiblox names RAM Data and Address pins differently from the
way X-BLOX did.

DATA pins:     XBLOX names Data pins as      "D_IN"<index>,
	       Logiblox names them as	     "D"<index>.

ADDRESS pins:  XBLOX names Address pins as   "ADDR"<index>,
	       Logiblox names them as	     "A"<index>

Solution 1:

LogiBLOX modules are designed to be compatible with the
Xilinx Unified Library standard, and as a result the pin
naming on LogiBLOX RAM modules is consistent with Xilinx
Unified Library conventions.

This makes it easy to replace Xilinx library RAM macros with
LogiBLOX modules in HDL designs.  However, because these
conventions differ from the naming conventions used in X-BLOX
RAM modules, conversion of designs containing X-BLOX RAMs to
M1 requires modification of all the port references in
the former X-BLOX RAM instantiations.

End of Record #2631

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