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M1, ViewSynthesis: SpeedWave may have difficulty analyzing large models

Record #2686

Product Family:  Software

Product Line:  ViewLogic

Problem Title:
M1, ViewSynthesis: SpeedWave may have difficulty analyzing large models

Problem Description:
Keywords: Speedwave, Viewlogic, Viewsynthesis, gssCreate8, Vantage, NGD2VHDL

Urgency: Standard

A problem may occur when SpeedWave generated C code with a single function
of over 3000 lines of code. The Microsoft compiler failed with messages:

  .../vantage.c(32832) : fatal error C1053: 'gssCreate8' : function too large

Solution 1:

These large functions were discovered when trying to compile
NGD2VHDL-generated VITAL models.  One possible solution is to use this flow:

  1. VHDL source synthesized with third party synthesis tool.
  2. Netlist imported to M1.3 Design Manager.
  3. Design implemented, placed, and routed.
  4. Design exported to NGD file.
  5. Core tool NGD2VHDL run with both -gp (GRS pin made explicit) and -tp
     (GTS pin made explicit) flags, and not with -r (retain hierarchy) flag
     set. Produced wtop_post.vhdl.
  6. Post place and route wtop_post.vhdl analyzed by SpeedWave.

An application note on the VIEWlogic web site at Link describes how to use
analyzer options to work around compiler limitations.

End of Record #2686

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