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How to create simulation files using M1 FPGA Implementation Software

Record #2703

Problem Title:
How to create simulation files using M1 FPGA Implementation Software

Problem Description:
Key Words: simulation, m1, functional, timing, sdf, formats, verilog,
vhdl, edif, xnf

Urgency: Hot

General Description:
Simulation files can be created at 4 stages of the FPGA implementation

	 Behavioral (Sythesis only)
	 Post-Map Timing
	 Post Route Timing

(WEBIMAGE 1: Simulation Stages)

Solution 1:

Behavioral Simulation:

  Behavioral simulation files are generated using tools from your
  behavioral simulator.  In most cases you can read the Verilog and
  VHDL files directly into the simulator.

Functional Simulation:

  Functional simulation is a gate level simulation with unit delays.
  For HDL designs, functional simulation can be used to verify
  your design's synthesis.  For schematic designs, functional
  simulation can be used to verify the correct behavior of your
  design. For designs that mix HDL components and schematic
  components, functional simulation can be used to verify the
  integration and the overall functionality.

  If you instantiate LogiBLOX components in your design, make sure
  to generate simulation netlists.

  Command Line:

    To generate functional simulation files, use the following command
    line sequence:

	1. ngdbuild <design top-level netlist> -p <part>
	2. ngd2ver  <design>.ngd -w <output netlist name>.v
	   ngd2edif <design>.ngd -w <output netlist name>.edn
	   ngd2vhdl <design>.ngd -w <output netlist name>.vhd
	   ngd2xnf  <design>.ngd -w <output netlist name>.xnf

    Top level netlist can be EDIF, XNF, of SXNF formats.

    NOTE: You can use the -help <family> option to see how to
	  automatically create testbench templates.  For example,

	  ngd2ver -help xc4000ex

  Graphical Interface:

    Functional simulation files cannot be directly generated through the
    graphical tools.  To create functional simulation files:

	1. In the Design Manager, identify the version you want to
	2. Copy the following file to a simulation directory and rename
	   it to <design>.ngd

	   <design directory>/xproj/<version>/<family>.ngd

	3. Run the command line sequence above.

Post-Map Timing Simulation:

  Post-map simulation is a gate level simulation with real delays
  for the gates and estimated delays for the routing.  This simulation
  is useful in determining if there are obvious timing issues in
  your design, without having to spend time completing place and

  If you have already completed a functional simulation of your design,
  you can more easily determine whether there are obvious timing issues
  by examing the summary in the post-map timing report (Logic Level
  Timing Report in the Report Browser).  If the post-map timing report
  reveals some timing issues, you can examine specific paths more
  closely by running the Timing Analyzer on your <map>.ncd file.

  Command Line:

    To create post-map simulation files, use the following command
    line sequence:

	1. ngdanno <mapped>.ncd <mapped>.ngm
	2. ngd2ver  <design>.nga -w <output netlist name>.v
	   ngd2edif <design>.nga -w <output netlist name>.edn
	   ngd2vhdl <design>.nga -w <output netlist name>.vhd
	   ngd2xnf  <design>.nga -w <output netlist name>.xnf

	   ngd2ver will automatically embed the timing information in a
	   <output netlist name>.sdf file.

    NOTE: You can use the -help <family> option to see how to
	  automatically create testbench templates.  For example,

	  ngd2ver -help xc4000ex

  Graphical Interface:

    Post-map timing simulation files cannot be directly generated
    through the graphical tools.  To create post-map timing
    simulation files:

	1. In the Design Manager, identify the revision you want to
	2. Copy the following file to a simulation directory and rename
	   it to <design>.ncd

	   <design directory>/xproj/<version>/<revision>/map.ncd

	3. Run the command line sequence above.

Post-Route Timing Simulation:

  Post-Route simulation is a gate level simulation with real delays
  for the gates and real delays for the routing. This
  simulation stage is also useful in verifying that there no design
  specification problems, timing issues, or design implementation
  problems.  Bugs are much easier to trace in timing simulation
  than using a logic analyzer.

  If you have already completed a functional simulation of your design,
  you more also determine whether there timing issues
  by examing the summary in the post-route timing report (Post Layout
  Timing Report in the Report Browser).  If the post-route timing report
  reveals some timing issues, you can examine specific paths more
  closely by running the Timing Analyzer on your <design>.ncd file.

  Command Line:

    To create post-map simulation files, use the following command
    line sequence:

	1. ngdanno <mapped>.ncd <mapped>.ngm
	2. ngd2ver  <design>.nga -w <output netlist name>.v
	   ngd2edif <design>.nga -w <output netlist name>.edn
	   ngd2vhdl <design>.nga -w <output netlist name>.vhd
	   ngd2xnf  <design>.nga -w <output netlist name>.xnf

    NOTE: You can use the -help <family> option to see how to
	  automatically create testbench templates.  For example,

	  ngd2ver -help xc4000ex

	  ngd2ver will automatically embed the timing information in a
	  <output netlist name>.sdf file.

  Graphical Interface:

    Post-route simulation files can be directly generated
    through the graphical tools.  To create post-route timing
    simulation files:

	1. In the Options dialog, select Produce Timing Simulation
	   Data.  You can access the Options dialog from the Flow Engine
	   menu by selecting Setup->Options.

	2. In the Options dialog, select the Edit Template button for
	   the Implementation Template.  In the Implementation Template
	   dialog, select the Interface tab.

	3. Select the simulation netlist format: EDIF, VHDL, VERILOG, or
	   XNF.  If you select EDIF, use the Vendor switch to select
	   whether you want to create Viewlogic, Mentor Graphics, or
	   Generic version of EDIF.

	4. Select the Correlate Data to Input Design button if you want
	   all of your original design signals in your timing simulation
	   netlist.  Because your design was optimized during the
	   implementation process, some of the signals and symbols in
	   your original netlist have been optimized out.  Selecting
	   the Correlate Data option causes the tools to insert optimized
	   names into your timing simulation netlist so you can use your
	   functional simulation testbench to stimulate your timing
	   simulation netlist.

	   If you use map -oe or -os command line options, or if you
	   set Optimization Strategy = Balance, Speed or Area in the
	   Implementation Template, the Correlate Data option will
	   not be able to insert all of the optimized names back into
	   the timing simulation netlist.

	5. If you select the Verilog or VHLD netlist format, you can
	   select the Always Create Power On Reset Port button.  This
	   will create a port for the global reset signal and connect
	   it to the global reset wire.  If this option is not selected
	   the global reset wire will still exist in the timing
	   simulation netlist.

	6. In order to create the simulation files, the Timing step in the
	   Flow Engine must be run.  After the Timing step completes
	   processing, your timing simulation files will be in your design
	   directory.  They will be called:

		 time_sim.<extension>	   <extension> = xnf, edn, v, vhdl

End of Record #2703

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