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SYNPLIFY: How to instantiate a pre-optimized netlist (XNF, EDIF, NGO) file in HDL (Verilog/VHDL)?

Record #2713

Product Family:  Software

Product Line:  Synplicity

Problem Title:
SYNPLIFY: How to instantiate a pre-optimized netlist (XNF, EDIF, NGO)
file in HDL (Verilog/VHDL)?

Problem Description:
Keywords: synplify, instantiation, VHDL, Verilog

Urgency: Standard

General Description:  How to instantiate a pre-optimized
netlist (XNF, EDIF, NGO) file in the Synplify VHDL flow?

Use the black_box attribute to specify that an instantiated
component is a black box (that only its interface is defined
for synthesis).  When to use black boxes:

o Xilinx primitives instantiation

o User-designed macros whose functionality is defined in a
  schematic editor, or another input source.

Solution 1:

-- VHDL black box example

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;

entity tenths_ex is
    port ( clkint, clkenable : in STD_LOGIC;
	   xcountout : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(9 downto 0));
end tenths_ex;

architecture xilinx of tenths_ex is

attribute black_box : boolean;

component tenths
    port (     CLOCK : in STD_LOGIC;
	      CLK_EN : in STD_LOGIC;
	       Q_OUT : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(9 downto 0));
end component;
attribute black_box of tenths : component is true;


XCOUNTER : tenths port map( CLOCK => clkint,
			    CLK_EN => clkenable,
			    Q_OUT => xcountout

end xilinx;

Solution 2:

// Verilog black box example

module tenths_ex (clkint, clkenable, xcountout);
input clkint, clkenable;
output [9:0] xcountout;

tenths XCOUNTER (.CLOCK (clkint), .CLK_EN (clkenable),
		 .Q_OUT (xcountout));


module tenths (.CLOCK (clkint), .CLK_EN (clkenable),
	       .Q_OUT (xcountout))  /* synthesis black_box */;
input CLOCK, CLK_EN;
output [9:0] Q_OUT;


End of Record #2713

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