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Can the Copper Heatsink on the HQ packages be grounded?

Record #2744

Product Family:  Documentation

Product Line:  Packages

Problem Title:
Can the Copper Heatsink on the HQ packages be grounded?

Problem Description:
Keywords: HQ304, HQ240, HQ208, heatsink, copper, slug

Urgency: Standard

General Description:
Can the Copper Heatsink on the bottom of the HQ304, HQ240 and the HQ208 devices

be grounded? Will this cause damage to the device if I want to ground it
to help in dissipating heat?

Solution 1:

On the HQ240 the heatsink is 24mm x 24mm, and the HQ208 is 21mm x 21mm.
On both packages the heatsink is grounded, so there is not any problems
with connecting the heatsink to the board ground. But because the heatsink is gr
ounded care must be taken such that the pins on the package do not short to the

The HQ304 may not have the heatsink grounded internally, but may still be ground
ed externally.

End of Record #2744

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