Answers Database
Workview Office: License platform restriction errors (1055, 8031, 8052)
Record #2842
Product Family: Software
Product Line: ViewLogic
Problem Title:
Workview Office: License platform restriction errors (1055, 8031, 8052)
Problem Description:
KEYWORDS: Workview office, vsec error, 1055, 8031, 8052
URGENCY: standard
Problem Description:
After installing Workview Office and setting up your license.dat, attempting
to open ViewDraw may give this error:
vsec: Error 1055: Required license not found for product Viewdraw
+vsec: Error 8031: Flex/LM Error: Local checkout filter rejected request
(-73, 125).
+vsec: Error 8052: license platform restriction does not match client platform.
Solution 1:
Be sure to use the correct license.dat file that was generated for that
specific platform you are using. You can verify this by checking your
license.dat file and look for a line that starts with INCREMENT. Somewhere
in this line (or next few lines) you will see Platform: __":
License file for Windows3.11 should have:
License file for Windows95 or WindowsNT should have:
If you have a license.dat file that was generated for the wrong platform,
you will need to have a new license.dat file generated for the correct
platform (if you don't already have one). You CANNOT just manually edit the
license.dat file.
If you have purchased Workview Office from Xilinx, contact Xilinx Customer
Service at 1-800-624-4782 for a new license file.
Solution 2:
Another possible cause could be a continuation character in the license.dat.
It is possible for some mail utilities to corrupt the license.dat file; the
mail utility can add a carriage return just before the "\" at the end of the
INCREMENT line. This causes the software to stop examining the license.dat
file before it gets to the VENDOR_STRING or HOSTID information.
Here's what the end of a corrupt license.dat file can look like:
INCREMENT Standard111197 viewlmgrd 600.000 14-may-1999 0
VENDOR_STRING="Exclusive:38 MaxGates:0 Platform:NT" \
HOSTID=CPLUS_ID=10265555 vendor_info=StartDate:11-nov-1997 ck=3
Whereas a good license file will look like:
INCREMENT Standard111197 viewlmgrd 600.000 14-may-1999 0
VENDOR_STRING="Exclusive:38 MaxGates:0 Platform:NT" \
HOSTID=CPLUS_ID=10265555 vendor_info=StartDate:11-nov-1997 ck=3
End of Record #2842
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