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M1.3/M1.4 : NGDBUILD while running xnf2ngd gives error: basxn:51 - Line number <actual line number> : Attribute value exceeds maximum length! - XNF2NGD c ould not parse the input file.

Record #2934

Product Family:  Software

Product Line:  FPGA Implementation

Problem Title:
M1.3/M1.4 : NGDBUILD while running xnf2ngd gives error: basxn:51 - Line
number <actual line number> : Attribute value exceeds maximum length! - XNF2NGD
ould not parse the input file.

Problem Description:
Keywords: xnf2ngd, NGDBUILD, EQU, attribute value, exceeds maximum length, basxn
:51, xnf

Urgency : Standard

General Description:

While running NGDBUILD you may get the following error:

xnf2ngd:  version M1.4.9
Copyright (c) 1995-1997 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved.
   using XNF gate model
   reading XNF file "test.xtf" ...
ERROR:basxn:51 - Line number 1183: Attribute value exceeds maximum length!
ERROR:basxn:51 - Line number 1190: Attribute value exceeds maximum length!
ERROR:basxn:31 - XNF2NGD could not parse the input file.  This may be caused by
   incorrect XNF file syntax.  Please consult the vendor whose software wrote
   this XNF file.  You may also consult the XNF Netlist Specification, available

   on the Xilinx Web site at

The source of the problem is XNF2NGD cannot read long attribute values even they
 are way less than the maximum limit of XNF specification. Although the XNF spec
ification states that parameter fields can be up to 1024 characters long, attrib
utes as longs as only 300 characters can cause attribute too long error in Map w
hile running xnf2ngd. Third party tools such as 'XL' compiler from 'Gigaop' can
potentially produce  long values for EQU records while converting a higher level
 program to a xnf format.

Solution 1:

A fix for this xnf2ngd fatal error is included in the current
M1.4 Core Applications patch available from the Xilinx Download

End of Record #2934

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