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A1.5/1.4: How to import a VHDL, Verilog, or LogiBLOX generated netlist into a Concept schematic

Record #3134

Product Family:  Software

Product Line:  Cadence

Problem Title:
A1.5/1.4: How to import a VHDL, Verilog, or LogiBLOX generated netlist
into a Concept schematic

Problem Description:
Keywords: Concept, import, XNF, netlist, schematic

Urgency: Standard

General Description:  The following is instructions for incorperating a VHDL
or Verilog generated netlist into a Concept schematic for the M1 toolset.
The VHDL or Verilog code must have been already synthesized to an
M1-compatible netlist (XNF, EDIF or NGO) on a seperate synthesis tool.
These instructions also include how to add LogiBLOX components.

Solution 1:

1.  Synthesize the module to be instantiated into the Cadence schematic.
    If any of the ports are to be connected to logic in the schematic,
    besure not to insert I/O buffers on these ports when synthesizing.
    Refer to the synthesis tool's instructions for properly creating a

    If this is a LogiBLOX module, create a Verilog or VHDL simulation
    netlist and use this netlist along with the produces NGO file for
    the remainder of the instructions.

2.  Create a Cadence Concept project directory.

3.  Copy the VHDL or Verilog file with the produced netlist file
    (XNF, EDIF, or NGO) to the project directory.

4.  Invoke Concept.

5.  Enter the following command in the Concept message window in order
    to create the symbol for the netlist to place into the schematic:

    For a Verilog netlist, enter the following command:

      genview -i <verilog_filename> -v logic body verilog

    For a VHDL netlist, enter the following two commands:

      genview -i <vhdl_filename> body vhdl
      genview -i <vhdl_filename> -v logic verilog vhdl

    After these commands are run, a sub-directory is created in which
    contains the symbol and logic information.	The name of this sub-directory
    is the same name as the module name for the Verilog file or the entity
    name for the VHDL file.  Edit the verilog.v file in the
    <new_symbol_name>/logic directory adding the following line after the
    module declaration :

      parameter cds_action = "ignore";

    For example, from a UNIX prompt type:

      vi <module_or_entity_name>/logic/verilog.v

    You may use a different text editor if you choose.	Vi is just used as
    an example.

    Then edit the file adding the new parameter line:

      module my_alu (data_out, data_in, control, clock);
	 parameter cds_action = "ignore";
	 input	     clock;
	 input [3:0] control;

6.  Add the genview created symbol to the Concept schematic and connect it
    accordingly to your schematic.

7.  Once the schematic is completed, run concept2xil on the design :

      concept2xil -family <device_family> <top_level_design_name>

    Concept2xil will create a sub-directory defaultly called
    in which it has placed an EDIF file, <design>.edf, if it does not
    encounter any errors with the design.

8.  Copy the netlist file (XNF, EDIF, or NGO) into the implementation

9.  Implement the design in M1.

End of Record #3134

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