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Foundation XVHDL, NGDBuild: Warning:basnu-The input pad net "<nonclk signal>" is driving one or more clock loads, but is not using a dedicated clock buff er

Record #3145

Product Family:  Software

Product Line:  Metamor

Problem Title:
Foundation XVHDL, NGDBuild: Warning:basnu-The input pad net "<nonclk
signal>" is driving one or more clock loads, but is not using a dedicated clock

Problem Description:
Keywords:  ngdbuild, xvhdl, clock, bufg, bufgp, bufgs

Urgency:  Standard

General Description:

NGDBUILD may give the following warnings/error:

"WARNING:basnu - Multiple blocks named "view_1/<nonclk_port>"
in block "<vhdl file>".

WARNING:basnu - The input pad net "<nonclk_port>" is driving
one or more clock loads, but is not using a dedicated clock

ERROR: basnu - logical net "<nonclk_port>" has both active and
tristate drivers"
"ERROR: basnu - logical net "<nonclk_port>" has multiple

when instantiating IBUFs and BUFGs with VHDL in Foundation.

Solution 1:

One cause of this problem is not using upper-case to declare the
component and the ports on the instantiated components.


component BUFGS
   port(I:in bit;
	O:out bit);
end component;

End of Record #3145

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