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XC4000EX/XL/XV/XLT: How to accurately locate BUFGLS and BUFGE components

Record #3171

Product Family:  Hardware

Product Line:  4000XL

Problem Title:
XC4000EX/XL/XV/XLT: How to accurately locate BUFGLS and BUFGE components

Problem Description:
Urgency: Standard

Keywords: TR,BR, BR, BL, LOC, XC4000EX, BUFGLS

 The documentation currently explains there are only 4 locations constraints for
 the BUFGE, and the BUFGLS
components, TR, TL, BR, BL.
This information does not give the user accurate control of
the placement of these buffers.

Solution 1:

If you want more accurate constraints, use the site
names of the BUFGLS that you find in EPIC when you click
on these components.

The two locations in the TL loc are:
"LOC = BUFGLS_WNW" for the one in the left or
"LOC = BUFGLS_NNW" for the one in the top.

The two locations in the BL loc are:
"LOC = BUFGLS_WSW" for the one in the left and
"LOC = BUFGLS_SSW" for the one in the bottom.

The two locations in the BR loc are:
"LOC = BUFGLS_ESE" for the one in the right and
"LOC = BUFGLS_SSE" for the one in the bottom.

The two locations in the TR loc are:
"LOC = BUFGLS_ENE" for the one in the right and
"LOC = BUFGLS_NNE" for the one in the top.

End of Record #3171

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