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ALPHA v3.0.x COREGEN: patch to Alpha v3.0.1 available on Xilinx ftp siteinstall instructions

Record #3189

Product Family:  Software

Product Line:  Coregen

Problem Title:
ALPHA v3.0.x COREGEN: patch to Alpha v3.0.1 available on Xilinx ftp
siteinstall instructions

Problem Description:
Keywords: ftp, coregen, patch, xkey

Urgency: standard

General Description:
A patch to Coregen v3.0.1 is available on the Xilinx
ftp site.  The patch (v3.0.2) contains the following changes:

1.  In the System Options form:  fields which should not
   be modified by users have been dimmed out.

2. Other changes:

  - New GUIs for the FIFO, RAM and ROM modules,
  - new Dual Port Ram core,
  - SDA Fir simulation vhdl file fix,
  - PDA FIR filter instance name fix

3. Also, the following bugs have been fixed:

#102143 - more than 2 clicks on a leaf cause multiple GUIs to
	  be displayed
#101612 - Coregen does not allow 8 character path names
#101747 - Coregen window is slow to appear
#101902 - increase pin spacing for Viewlogic symbol
#102002 - overwrite edif file for Viewlogic symbol
#101749 - error when overwriting Viewlogic symbol
	- double clicking on a node causes file exception

Additionally, XKEY.EXE has been added to support those
users who are running Coregen with only an evaluation
key.  (XKEY is used to decrement the number of evaluation
runs in this case.)

Solution 1:

The patch may be downloaded from:




Copy this archive to your COREGen folder and use Winzip or
pkzip to extract this file in that directory.

If Winzip doesn't let you overwrite some read-only files, you
will need to change the permission by typing the following
command from the c:\coregen directory in DOS:

    attrib -r *.* /s


All files bundled in this patch should be extracted to your
Coregen folder.  (updated 3/20/98)

End of Record #3189

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