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Hardware Debugger, M1.3 & M1.4 Lab Install, Error Baspm:Baspmdllm 174 & 187 dll open of library libx4xbs.dll

Record #3232

Product Family:  Software

Product Line:  FPGA Core

Problem Title:
Hardware Debugger, M1.3 & M1.4 Lab Install, Error Baspm:Baspmdllm 174 &
187 dll open of library libx4xbs.dll

Problem Description:
Keywords:  hwdebugr.exe libx4xbs.dll xc4000ex xc4000xl

Urgency: Standard

General Description:

After installing the lab installation of Allaince or Foundation Implementation T
ools, you load Hardware Debugger from the program menu.  To download a .bit file
, you create a new project by selecting File -> New -> Project.  You select your
 .bit or .mcs file and select Open.

The following error message appears in the Hardware Debugger Program in M1.3.7 L
ab Install:
   "FATAL_ERROR:baspm:baspmdllm.c:174:1.17-dll of library
<c:/Xilinx/xc4000ex/bin/nt/libx4xbs.dll> failed due to an unknown reason."

The following error message appears in Hardware Debugger of M1.4.12 Lab Install:

   "FATAL_ERROR:baspm:baspmdllm.c:187:1.18-dll open of library
<c:/Xilinx/xc4000ex/bin/nt/libx4xbs.dll> failed due to an unknown reason."

Solution 1:

Copy the data directories from the Allaince CD or Foundation Implementation Tool
s CD into the lab install xilinx directory.  Copy the data directories that pert
ain to the design in question.	The copying can be done with Windows Explorer, a
nd an example is as follows:
  CDROM_Drive:\xc4000ex => Lab_Install_Drive:\xilinx\xc4000ex
  CDROM_Drive:\xc4000xl => Lab_Install_Drive:\xilinx\xc4000xl
  like D:\xc4000ex => c:\xilinx\xc4000ex
 or any other data directory.

Copying is done by selecting the folder that you want to copy and then drag it t
o the destination and let go.  You can also select the folder to copy, press the
 right mouse button and select copy. Then select the destination folder and pres
s the right mouse button and select paste.

Solution 2:

End of Record #3232

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