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M1.5 NGDBUILD: OFFSET constraint gives "ERROR:basts:69 - NET CLK ... is not a pad-related net"

Record #3256

Product Family:  Software

Product Line:  FPGA Implementation

Problem Title:
M1.5 NGDBUILD: OFFSET constraint gives "ERROR:basts:69 - NET CLK ... is
not a pad-related net"

Problem Description:
Keywords: offset, ucf, trce, trce, timing

Urgency: standard

An offset constraint may give an error similiar to the following:

ERROR:basts:69 - NET "'CLK", which is the reference clock net for the NET OFFSET
 "MYOUTPUT OUT : 5000.000000 pS : BEFORE : CLK" on NET "MYOUTPUT", is not a pad-
related net (i.e., it is not driven by a pad).

Solution 1:

The cause of this error is not having the OFFSET constraint applied to the net b
etween the pad and buffer. The clock net referenced must be the net between the
IPAD and BUFG or IBUF. The input or output net must be the net between the IPAD
and IBUF or OPAD and OBUF.

End of Record #3256

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