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Foundation F1.3, FPGA Express: Functionality incorrect for Express modules on Schematics

Record #3330

Product Family:  Software

Product Line:  Aldec

Problem Title:
Foundation F1.3, FPGA Express:  Functionality incorrect for Express
modules on Schematics

Problem Description:
Keywords:  Express, VHDL, Verilog, INV, simulate

Urgency:  Hot

General Description:
A schematic design with Express XNF-based modules instantiated
in it will functionally simulate fine, will be functionally
incorrect in timing simulation or in the actual chip.

Solution 1:

One possible cause of this problem is due to a bug with the
EDIF netlister from the Foundation Schematic Editor.  The
problem is that when the XNF file from FPGA Express is
"imported" into the Foundation Schematic Design, any INV pin
properties which may exist in the XNF file are not properly
translated into the EDIF file for the whole design.  Thus,
these INV properties are "lost" in the translation, the pins
in question are no longer inverted, and the functionality of
the design is therefore altered.

The workaround for this problem is to manually create the
symbol for the XNF file, rather than "Importing" the netlist
into the Schematic Editor.  This way, the XNF file is treated
like a true "black box" and therefore the INV properties are
properly translated by NGDBUILD in the Translate phase of the
Implementation flow.  Follow these steps to create the symbol:

1.  If the macro for the Express module has already been
    created by Importing the netlist, this macro must first be
     * Enter the Library Manager from the Tools menu in the
       Project Manager.
     * Locate the appropriate project library and double-click
       on it to display the project library macros.
     * Locate the Express macro, and highlight it, then select
       Object->Delete.	Be sure that the Preserve Source Files
       box is checked.
     * Finally, delete the <macro>.ALR file, located in the
       project directory.  This can be done through either the
       Windows Explorer or from a DOS Prompt.
2.  To recreate the symbol, select Hierarchy->New Symbol Wizard
    from the Schematic Editor.
3.  Enter the name for the macro.  Use the same name as the XNF
    file from Express.
4.  Choose 'Empty' for Contents of symbol.
5.  Enter all the pins for the symbol in the Ports window.
    * Refer to either the XNF file or the VHDL file for the
      names of the pins.
    * IMPORTANT!!  For bus pins, each pin must be listed
      individually.  For example, if you have an 8 bit bus,
      instead of creating one pin called DATA[7:0], you must
      create 8 pins, called DATA<0>, DATA<1>, etc.  This is due
      to a bug in the Foundation Schematic Editor.  We are
      sorry for this inconvenience.
6.  After the symbol creation is complete, place the symbol on
    the schematic sheet.
7.  Add the following attribute to the symbol:
      * To do this, double-click on the symbol, and in the
	Parameters section of the Symbol Properties window,
	type $FILE in the Name field, and <filename>.xnf in the
	Description field. (<filename> is the name of the XNF
	file from Express)  Click Add.

For Functional Simulation, you must first go through the
Translate step in the Design Manager Implementation.  Then,
return to the Foundation Project Manager and select
Tools->Checkpoint Simulation.  Choose the appropriate .NGD

**Note:  This problem will be resolved in Foundation F1.4, and
is independant of the version of Express used.

End of Record #3330

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