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Foundation XVHDL: Instantiating OSC52 in a 5200 design

Record #3339

Product Family:  Software

Product Line:  Metamor

Problem Title:
Foundation XVHDL: Instantiating OSC52 in a 5200 design

Problem Description:
Keywords:  OSC5, OSC52, 5200, OSC, Oscillator, XVHDL, Metamor

Urgency:  Standard

General Description:
How do you instantiate the OSC52 in a 5200 XVHDL design?

The code is given below.

Solution 1:

--The following is an example of instantiating the OSC52

library IEEE,metamor;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use metamor.attributes.all;

entity OSC5_INST is port (
	output : out STD_LOGIC
); end OSC5_INST;

architecture rtl of OSC5_inst is

--COMPONENT Declarations

component OSC52 port (
	OSC1 : out STD_LOGIC;
	OSC2 : out STD_LOGIC);
end component;

component FD port (
	C : in STD_LOGIC;
	D : in STD_LOGIC;
	Q : out STD_LOGIC);
end component;

attribute DIVIDE1_BY : string;
attribute DIVIDE2_BY : string;
attribute DIVIDE1_BY of U1 : label is "4"; --You can adjust
attribute DIVIDE2_BY of U1 : label is "2"; --You can adjust


signal osc1_out : STD_LOGIC;
signal osc2_out : STD_LOGIC;
signal outbuf : STD_LOGIC;



output <= outbuf;


U1 : OSC52 port map(
	OSC1 => osc1_out,
	OSC2 => osc2_out
u2 : FD port map(
	C => osc1_out,
	D => osc2_out,
	Q => outbuf

end rtl;

End of Record #3339

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