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EXEMPLAR: Instantiating a pulldown/pullup in Verilog?

Record #3377

Product Family:  Software

Product Line:  Exemplar

Problem Title:
EXEMPLAR: Instantiating a pulldown/pullup in Verilog?

Problem Description:
Keywords: exemplar, verilog, pullup, pulldown

Urgency:  Standard

General Description:
Xilinx FPGAs contain internal pullup resistors in the I/O blocks (some also cont
ain pulldowns).  These components can be instantiated in Exemplar's Verilog code

Solution 1:

Below is an example (from Exemplar) that illustrates how to instantiate pullups
in a verilog file:

module test (a, oe, o);
    inout [2:0] a ;
    input [3:0] oe ;
    inout o ;

    wire bus;
    assign bus = oe[2] ? a[2] : 'bz;
    assign bus = oe[1] ? a[1] : 'bz;
    assign bus = oe[0] ? a[0] : 'bz;
    PULLUP i0 (.O(bus));
    PULLUP i1 (.O(a[0]));
    assign o = oe[3] ? bus : 'bz;


Note:  For CPLD devices, PULLUPs in the IOBs are not user controllable during no
rmal operation.  These PULLUP resistors are active only during device programmin
g, power-up, and erase cycle.

End of Record #3377

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