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M1.4 PAR - XC4000 design crashes after starting the Initial Timing Analysis.

Record #3396

Product Family:  Software

Product Line:  FPGA Implementation

Problem Title:
M1.4 PAR - XC4000 design crashes after starting the Initial Timing

Problem Description:
See similar but different issue covered by Solution 3317.

There is a known map bug that will lead to a crash in PAR
during initial timing analysis. The problem is caused by
clock configurations where an internal signal drives a buffer
that in turn drives a clock buffer. Map correctly optimizes
the buffer out of the design but loses the connection to the
clock buffer. The driver-less clock buffer leads to a crash
in PAR.

Solution 1:

This problem can be avoided by placing a NOMERGE property
on the signal driving the clock buffer and re-mapping the
design. The following .ucf constraint will accomplish this:

  NET "net_name" KEEP ;

The map bug is scheduled to be fixed in the upcoming M1.5

Solution 2:

This problem is fixed in the latest M1.4 Core Tools Patch available on the Xilin
x Download Area:

End of Record #3396

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