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M1.4: FATAL_ERROR:baslo:basloglobal.c:35:1.9 - on line 972 of file "baslodriver.c"

Record #3686

Product Family:  Software

Product Line:  CPLD Implementation

Problem Title:
M1.4: FATAL_ERROR:baslo:basloglobal.c:35:1.9 - on line 972 of file

Problem Description:
Keywords: CPLD, Optimizer/Partitioner, Timing optimization Assertion Failed, bas
lodriver.c, baslo, basloglobal.c:35:1.9

Urgency: Medium

General Description:
Implementing your CPLD design through M1.4 with the patch copld_sol4_m14 patch m
ay give you following error:

Optimizer/Partitioner:	version M1.4.12
(c) Copyright 1989-1997 Xilinx Inc. All rights reserved.
Reading ../xc9500.ngd
Considering device XC95144-PQ100.
    Multi-level logic optimization...
    Timing optimizationASSERTION FAILED: bool IS NOT TRUE
on line 972 of file "baslodriver.c"
FATAL_ERROR:baslo:basloglobal.c:35:1.9 - on line 972 of file "baslodriver.c"
   Process will terminate.  Please call Xilinx support.

Solution 1:

Current workaround:

Try increasing the Collapsing Input Limit, this switch is in  DM/FlowEngine -> O
ptions -> Edit Template -> Advanced Optimization.

Default setting for this in M1.4 is 36 and specifying lower input limit may caus
e the optimizer impossible to fit the design and can result in fatal error.

This issue has been resolved in M1.5

End of Record #3686

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