Answers Database
A1.5/1.4: NGD2VHDL, NGD2VER: Bus indexes are always declared in descending order within simulation netlist
Record #3852
Product Family: Software
Product Line: FPGA Implementation
Problem Title:
A1.5/1.4: NGD2VHDL, NGD2VER: Bus indexes are always declared in
descending order within simulation netlist
Problem Description:
Keywords: big endian, little endian, testbench, bus, ordering
Urgency: Standard
General Description:
Currently the M1 HDL netlisters, NGD2VHDL and NGD2VER will
write out bus indexing styles in Little Endian style. This
means that it will always write out buses as the largest number
bit being the MSB (Most Significant Bit) of the bus regardless
of how the bus name was origionally coded. The reason for this
is that bus index style is not always reflected in the input
EDIF or XNF netlist to M1 therefore it is currently not possible to
determine which bus indexing style was origionally used in the
HDL code. Since it is most common to name buses with the
largest bit number representing MSB, that is how the simulation
netlist is always written out.
If a Big Endian style (smallest number bit is declared as MSB)
was used for bus naming and brought through the M1 tools, the
simulation netlist will remain functionally correct however the
testbench used for RTL simulation can no longer match the
testbench used for timing simulation since the bus indexing
will appear reversed for the Big Endian declared buses.
Xilinx is working with the various synthesis vendors to correct
this problem in the future however currently it is not possible
to fix this problem.
Solution 1:
It is generally suggested to always code the design using the
largest bit number as MSB. An example in VHDL for this is to
always use the DOWNTO syntax when declaring a bus:
For Verilog, simply declare the largest bit number first in the
bus index notation:
input [3:0] MY_BUS;
This will allow a consistent bus naming index syles ebtween the
RTL code and netlist produced by the M1 HDL simulation
Solution 2:
If it is not possible to code the origional HDL code using the
Little Endian bus indexing convention, then either seperate
testbenches will need to be used for RTL and Timing simulation
or a function needs to be created in the testbench to reverse
the bit ordering of Big Endian style buses for the timing
simulation so that they match the bus ordering of the RTL
End of Record #3852
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