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Foundation F1.4 XVHDL: Using JTAG pins (TDI, TDO, TCK, TMS) for generalI/O

Record #3928

Product Family:  Software

Product Line:  Metamor

Problem Title:
Foundation F1.4 XVHDL:  Using JTAG pins (TDI, TDO, TCK, TMS) for

Problem Description:
Keywords:  JTAG, Pin, TMS, instantiate, metamor, boundary scan

Urgency:  Standard

General Description:

The JTAG pins may be used as general I/O after configuration by instantiating th
e special JTAG pin components (TDI, TDO, TCK, TMS) in your VHDL code.

One thing to note, the pins have different functionality based upon whether the
jtag pins are used after configuration. Each will be specified below.

Also, this functionality is only valid in the 4000E/X, Spartan, and 5200 familie
s of FPGA's.

Solution 1:

After configuration, if boundary scan is used, the TDO pad can be configured as
a user output. The TDI, TCK, and TMS pads can be configured as user inputs.

Here is some sample code.

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

entity JTAG is

port ( d : out std_logic);

end JTAG;

architecture JTAG_arch of JTAG is

component TDI	 -- This can also be TMS
	port ( I : out std_logic);  -- Used as input pin.
end component;

component TDO	-- This could also be changed to TMS.
	port ( O : in std_logic);   --used as output pin
end component;

component TCK
	port ( I : out std_logic);  --used as input pin
end component;

component IBUF
	port ( I : in std_logic; O : out std_logic);
end component;

component OBUF
	port ( I : in std_logic; O : out std_logic);
end component;

signal a,b,c,abuf,bbuf,cbuf : std_logic;


U1: TDI port map ( I => abuf );
U2: IBUF port map ( I => abuf, O => a );
U3: TCK port map ( I => bbuf );
U4: IBUF port map ( I => bbuf, O => b );
U5: TDO port map ( O => cbuf );
U6: OBUF port map ( I => c, O => cbuf );

c <= a and b;
d <= a and b;
end process;

end JTAG_arch;

Solution 2:

After configuration, if boundary scan is not used, the TMS, TCK, and TDI pads ar
e unrestricted and can be used as user input/output pads.

After configuration, if boundary scan is not used, the TDO pad can be used as a
bidirectional 3-state I/O pad.

Here is the sample code.

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

entity JTAG is

port ( d : out std_logic);

end JTAG;

architecture JTAG_arch of JTAG is

component TDO
	port ( I : out std_logic);  -- Used as input pin.
     --   port ( O : in std_logic); -- Uncomment this to use TDO as an output,
				       and comment out the above line.
end component;

component TDI	-- This could also be changed to TMS.
	port ( O : in std_logic);   --used as output pin
end component;

component TCK
	port ( I : out std_logic);  --used as input pin
end component;

component IBUF
	port ( I : in std_logic; O : out std_logic);
end component;

component OBUF
	port ( I : in std_logic; O : out std_logic);
end component;

signal a,b,c,abuf,bbuf,cbuf : std_logic;


U1: TDO port map ( I => abuf );
U2: IBUF port map ( I => abuf, O => a );
U3: TCK port map ( I => bbuf );
U4: IBUF port map ( I => bbuf, O => b );
U5: TDI port map ( O => cbuf );
U6: OBUF port map ( I => c, O => cbuf );

c <= a and b;
d <= a and b;
end process;

end JTAG_arch;

End of Record #3928

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