Answers Database
M1.4/M1.5 Map - Error: x4kma:215-the component AAA is a synchronous RAM,which is not available in the xc4000 architecture
Record #3988
Product Family: Software
Product Line: FPGA Implementation
Problem Title:
M1.4/M1.5 Map - Error: x4kma:215-the component AAA is a synchronous
RAM,which is not available in the xc4000 architecture
Problem Description:
Keywords: Map, x4kma, 215, synchronous, RAM, Architecture
Urgency: Standard
Synthesis design targeting to XC4000E/EX/XL/XV, when running MAP, the following
error message may come up:
ERROR:x4kma:215 - The component "AAA" is a synchronous RAM, which is not availab
le in the XC4000 architecture. If you wish to use synchronous RAM, please targe
t an XC4000E, XC4000L, XC4000EX, or XC4000XL device.
Solution 1:
This error is caused by instantiating the wrong RAM16x1, RAM32x1, or logiblox RA
M compoenents in the VHDL or Verilog codes.
In some designs, the users mistakenly instantiate X_RAM16 or X_RAM32 components,
because they think those are the primitive components in Xilinx library.
Check to see if the correct components are instantiated in the netlist file, i.e
. xnf or edn files.
For RAM16x1, or RAM32x1 compoents, the symbol record should show RAM16x1 or RAM3
For logiblox RAMs, the symbol record should show the name of the logiblox compon
End of Record #3988
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