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M1.4/M1.5 Map - FATAL_ERROR:x4kma:x4kmaaclk.c:145: - More than one driver on clock net.

Record #4146

Product Family:  Software

Product Line:  FPGA Implementation

Problem Title:
M1.4/M1.5 Map - FATAL_ERROR:x4kma:x4kmaaclk.c:145: - More than
one driver on clock net.

Problem Description:
Keywords: map, 4K, buft, bufe

Urgency: Standard

General Description:

In M1.4:
FATAL_ERROR:x4kma:x4kmaaclk.c:145: - More than one
driver on clock net. $Net00001_.  Process will terminate.
Please call Xilinx support.

In M1.5:
FATAL_ERROR:x4kma:x4kmaaclk.c:154:1.19 - More than one driver
on clock net. $Net00001_. Process will terminate.  Please call
Xilinx support.

The cause of this problem may be that multiple TBUF outputs
drive the input of a clock buffer.  MAP incorrectly has a fatal
error when it sees more than one driver on the net.

Solution 1:

This problem can be avoided by adding a buffer between the
tbuf output net and the input of the clock buffer **AND**
putting a "KEEP" property on the output net of the buffer
to keep this buffer from being optimized away.

This problem is scheduled to be fixed in A2.1.

End of Record #4146

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