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HW-130 Frequently Asked Questions

Q Which other Xilinx programmer adapters are compatible with the HW-130?
A HW-112: None
HW-120: All are compatible except the Serial PROM (HW-120-PRM) adapter.
Q Which HW-130 adapters should be used to program XC9500 devices?
A The same adapters that are used for the XC7300 devices can also be used for the XC9500's except for the PQ160. It requires a CPLD PQFP-160 adapter.
NOTE: The XC9500's are not supported on the HW-120 adapters.
Q Can the DOS version of the HW-130 software be run within Windows?
A No. It must be run in DOS. There is separate Windows version available.
Q Why does the HW-130 Fail indicator light flash once when the power is turned on, with an HW-120 adapter installed? If the adapter is removed, and power is turned on, the HW-130 operates normally.
A Since the adapters were originally manufactured by Logical Devices for the HW-120, there are some minor compatability issues which can be overcome by simply removing the adapter during power-up. Using an HW-130 adapter is certainly another alternative.
Q Does the HW-130 accept *.bit file format for SPROMs?
A No. It was decided that since there are several tools available in XACT, MakeBits, MakeProm, and the PROM Formatter to name a few, the *.bit format is no longer a widely used file format for configuration data.
NOTE: There was an error in the original April 1995 User Guide which erroneously listed support for the *.bit format. It was subsequently removed in the April 1996 User Guide.
Q Why aren't the checksums the same on the HW-130 for devices programmed on the other 3rd party programmers?
A There are many methods for calculating the checksum of a device. The HW-130 uses a JEDEC standard four-character hexadecimal checksum. The method of calculating a checksum by 3rd party manufacturers will be consistent for their products, but may not use the same methodology as the HW-130.
Q Is there any way to secure an CPLD device after it has been programmed?
A Yes, the HW-130 offers a special feature that permits the user to secure an CPLD device even after programming. This feature can be selected in the programming mode.
Q Can't the checksum of a secured EPLD device be read?
A No. The only data that is available to the user after securing the device is the signature string.

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