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Auspy Development Inc.
10430 S. DeAnza Blvd., Suite 275
Cupertino, CA 95014 U.S.A.
Tel: 1-408-252-5813/5812
Tel: 1-408-252-5812
Fax: 1-408-252-2582
http://www.auspy.comInternet Link

Auspy is committed to provide solutions for design size over a single FPGA. APS compliments Xilinx XACTstep software to make multiple-FPGA design as easy as the single-FPGA one.

Product Highlights

  • Partition into minimum number of FPGAs
  • Target unlimited number of FPGAs in heterogeneous environment
  • ECO capability to minimize changes in inter-FPGA interconnections
  • Incremental signal probing
  • Handle million-gate + designs

Xilinx-Specific Highlights

  • Generating Time Spec. in individual Xilinx chip
  • Generating Skew constraint in individual Xilinx chip
  • Automatic insertion of GBUF for skew minimization
  • Producing script to run Xilinx ppr automatically
  • Backannotate ppro result for timing simulation
  • Backannotate ppr result for preserving pin locations in ECO

Design Flow

  • Partition the ASIC/FPGA netlist into the minimum number of target FPGA netlists ready for the Xilinx ppr.

  • © 1998 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved
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