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Computer Integrated Network Analysis, Inc. (CINA, Inc.)
P.O. Box 4872
Mountain View, CA 94040 U.S.A.
Tel: 1-415-940-1723
Fax: 1-415-940-1723
http://www.cina.comInternet Link

The SmartViewer schematic generator reduces time-to-market by letting you quickly and graphically examine your digital design, saving time and eliminating uncertainty. Other schematic generators produce a monolithic schematic of your design. You then have to navigate that large diagram to answer the questions you have about your design. With SmartViewer, those days are gone. Using CINA's new SchematiQuery schematic generation technology, you choose from the text description of your design precisely which logic to represent graphically. SmartViewer is an affordable standalone solution to your schematic generation needs.

Product Highlights

  • New approach eliminates navigating through large schematics
  • Display logic cores, paths between nodes, etc.
  • Control depth of sequential or combinational logic searches
  • Support for Xilinx XC3000, XC4000, and XC7000 devices
  • Runs on IBM PC and compatibles under Windows 3.1, Windows95, and Windows NT

Xilinx-Specific Highlights

  • Accepts hierarchical or flattened XNF

Design Flow

SmartViewer is very useful to design engineers and test and QA engineers. Design engineers primarily use SmartViewer to examine designs compiled by a logic synthesizer. By diagramming logic cones and paths, concise details of the synthesis can be examined. Test and QA engineers primarily use SmartViewer for reverse engineering and documentation. By interactively and graphically browsing a new design, test and QA engineers can become familiarized with the design organization. Also, reports can be generated by copying and pasting selected logic diagrams into a word processor.

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