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Fujitsu LSI Technology Limited
3-2-1, Sakado Takatsu-Ku, Kawasaki 213,
Tel: 81-44-812-8065
Fax: 81-44-812-8066

PROVERD (Professional Verilog Design System) is a top-down design system for ASICs and FPGAs. PROVERD features a mixed-mode design entry tool (schematic and VerilogHDL), a high-speed simulator based on OVI/LRM (Open Verilog International/Language Reference Manual), and many standard interfaces including VerilogHDL, EDIF and TSSI-WGL (Test Systems Strategies Inc. -Wave form Generation Language). PROVERD operates in Windows 3.1, which enables users to construct the design tools in their own environments.

Product Highlights

  • Supports hierarchical schematic entry, VerilogHDL, and gate-level simulation for Xilinx devices
  • Operates on PC-AT and compatibles including NEC PC-98xx and Fujitsu FMR series running Windows 3.1
  • Supports Xilinx XC3000 and XC4000 devices, and X-BLOX

Xilinx-Specific Highlights

  • Creates parameterized schematics with X-BLOX symbols
  • Outputs XNF netlist
  • Back annotates post-layout timing from XACT¨ via XNF interface
  • Converts XNF to VerilogHDL

Design Flow

  1. Create a hierarchical design for your Xilinx device using symbols for Xilinx (just like Unified Libraries).
  2. Generate a Xilinx netlist for transfer to Xilinx XACTstep software.
  3. Run the XACTstep place and route software.
  4. Back annotate post-layout delays and simulate to verify timing performance.

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