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MINC Incorporated
6755 Earl Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80918, U.S.A.
Tel: 1-719-590-1155
Fax: 1-719-590-7330
http://www.minc.comInternet Link

MINC-IST (subsidiary of MINC)
Europole - 4, place Robert-Schuman - F 38000 Grenoble
Tel: (33) 76 70 51 00
Fax: (33) 76 84 12 61

MINC, together with MINC-IST, provides the broadest programmable logic synthesis tool. Starting from a large VHDL and Verilog language coverage, the toolset offers efficient hierarchical architectural synthesis, including resource optimization (macro inference and folding) and a set of unique target specific FPGA mapper and CPLD fitters. MINC-IST also provides an automatic partitioning tool and a highly efficient ASIC synthesis tool, which are available on workstation and PCs.

ASYL+ uses advanced algorithms to get the best possible performance and density from your Xilinx devices. With specific mappers for each type of device, the synthesis power of ASYL+ spans the whole range of Xilinx devices.

ASYL+ uses proprietary mappers based on innovative synthesis methods involving binary decision diagram representation for the Xilinx XC3000, XC4000, and XC5000 families providing true F, H mapped networks for place and route by Xilinx tools. For the XC7000 families, CPLD methods are used to optimize the filling of the devices. Both XNF and PLUSASM outputs are provided. Notice also the powerful finite state machine extraction, especially adapted to CPLD parts.

ASYL+ offers a level of VHDL and Verilog support as good as any synthesis tool (even the most expensive) and yet is available at a price which FPGA users can afford.

To leverage the benefits of a true top-down design, ASYL+ optimizes the use of Xilinx parameterized generators, thereby creating macroblocks using the large variety of Xilinx arithmetic basic cells.

Working from a single large netlist or a netlist hierarchy, the MINC-IST partitioner automatically splits the design across multiple devices in the Xilinx FPGA families. Mapping directly on the logic blocks of the target devices, the MINC-IST partitioner both maximizes device filling ratios and maintains timing control so that critical paths are automatically kept within package boundaries.

Product Highlights

  • User timing-driven synthesis
  • Dedicated mappers for all targets
  • Broad VHDL and Verilog coverage
  • Powerful macro interface
  • Hierarchical processing of large design
  • Industry standard design languages coupled with architectural synthesis

Xilinx-Specific Highlights

  • Dedicated mappers for XC4000/XC5200/XC7000/XC4000E
  • Timing constraints driven synthesis
  • Inference of X-BLOX
  • Broad VHDL and Verilog support
  • Hierarchical design processing

Design Flow

ASYL+ offers both VHDL and Verilog, with a very broad set of constructs for describing even the most complicated logic in a compact fashion. Dedicated macrogenerators makes designing with arithmetic modules, counters, and shifters a breeze, and provides an advantage in performance and compactness of the design. Vendor macros, such as ACTGEN and X-BLOX, are inferred from the design description and implemented to improve performance. State machines found in the VHDL description are extracted with state assignment encoding either automatically selected for the most compactness or selected by the user. Common logic is recognized and can be shared to match the performance requirements of the circuit instead of being built several times, thus saving silicon area.

MINC-IST has developed specific algorithms to squeeze the last ounce of performance from programmable logic devices, as well as specific optimization/mappers specifically designed for each device architecture to provide the best results. Many optimizers use several algorithms which are run, and the results then compared with the best chosen for the job. Binary Decision Diagrams (BDD's), Lexicographical, and Boolean Matching are a few of the techniques that are used in the specific mappers, in addition to complex logic collapsing. Optimization is constraint driven and completely controlled by the user.

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