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Zuken Incorporated
2-25-1 Edahigashi, Tsuzuki-ku
Yokohama, Kanagawa
224 Japan
Tel: (045) 942-7787
Fax: (045) 942-1915
Order: (045) 942-7787

Tsutsuji, a high-level system design product, provides a set of easy-to-use, fast, and efficient tools for modeling, logic synthesis, simulation, and design visualization. Tsutsuji inputs block diagram, netlist, VHDL, Verilog-HDL, LDF (original HDL), and C behavioral models, outputs VHDL, Verilog-HDL, and optimizes specific netlist for ASICs and FPGAs. Tsutsuji offers a virtual-world rapid prototyping environment, as well as enables rapid implementation to FPGA.

Product Highlights

  • Provides very rapid modeling, synthesis, simulation, and mapping
  • Provides versatile virtual instruments
  • Inputs actual images as test vectors and outputs the images the target system produces
  • Moves the designer closer to the application domain
  • Runs on the UNIX-based workstations

Xilinx-Specific Highlights

  • Supports Xilinx XC3000 and XC4000 devices
  • Generates XNF netlist
  • Supports mixed schematic and HDL description

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