For a limited time, the Foundation BASE
Series (BAS) is available at incredible promotional prices. For as
little as $95, you can license a complete Foundation Series design solution
and complete a Xilinx CPLD or FPGA design. This promotional opportunity
has been extended to June 30, 1998.
The low cost of Foundation Series design tools, complete software integration out of the box, and Xilinx's unsurpassed commitment to quality and technical support combine to deliver a design solution with unequaled value. After you've licensed a Foundation Series product configuration, its easy to upgrade your system to provide HDL design capabilities and/or high density device support. Upgrade pricing is set at the difference between your product configuration and list price of the new configuration. Simply call your Xilinx sales representative for immediate action. Contact your local sales office or
authorized distributor now to take advantage of this promotion. In North
America, Xilinx franchised distributors are: Hamilton