Xilinx Foundation Documentation Update Pack 1a February 1997 This file contains information about version 1a of the Documentation Update Pack. For information about the Foundation Service Pack, please consult the README.TXT file. Recommended Installation Location --------------------------------- For the Update Pack directory's hypertext links to function correctly, you should install fnddoc1a.exe to the EXE directory that's located in the directory where your Foundation software is installed. Typically, this is drive_letter:\ACTIVE\EXE. Introduction ------------ The Documentation Update Pack 1a is an updated version of Doc Update Pack 1, which was made available on the Xilinx ftp/bbs sites and the Applinx CD in September 1996. It contains several Adobe Acrobat documents that provide supplemental information on the Foundation tool set. The "1a" version corresponds with Foundation 6.0.2, which consists of the combination of Foundation 6.0.1 and the Foundation Service Pack. In order to read these application notes and tutorials, you must have the Acrobat reader or Acrobat Exchange installed on your system. Xilinx suggests that you use the Acrobat LE reader that is included in the XACTstep 6.0.1 software. Contents: --------- 1. Documentation Pack Guide (1/2) (guide1a.pdf) 2. Documentation Pack Guide (2/2) (guide2a.pdf) 3. Simulation Guide (fnd_sim.pdf) 4. Improved Simulation Tutorial (simu_tut.pdf) 5. Compiling VHDL Designs Using Foundation XVHDL (hdl_comp.pdf) 6. Accessing Xilinx Device Features Using Foundation XVHDL (xvhdl.pdf) 7. Board Level Simulation with Xilinx Foundation Series (brd_sim.pdf) Notes ----- The Acrobat file "guide1a.pdf" provides a Table of Contents with Acrobat "hot" links which can be clicked on to open the documents listed above. All of the documents must be in the same directory for this to function. (One of the links refers to the WHATSNEW.HLP file which is part of the Foundation Service Pack. The Documentation Update Pack must be installed in the directory recommended above for this link to work.) Most of the documents in the Documentation Update Pack have Acrobat hot links in them, which are designated either by colored text or by graphic "boxes" around text. These links will assist you in navigating quickly through the application notes. Open GUIDE1A in your Adobe Acrobat viewer and try the hot links!