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XUP Workshop Lodging & Travel Information 

Please note that all XUP workshops are free.  Unless otherwise specified however, you will need to cover your own travel and lodging expenses. 
University of Pennsylvania Workshop 
June 24-25                         Philadelphia, PA,  USA 
Instituto Politecnico NacionalCentro de Investigacion en Computacion Workshop 
June 23-24                        Mexico City,  MEXICO 
IC Design Education Center (IDEC)Internet Link Workshop 
July 14-15                         Taejon City, S. KOREA 
Tsinghua UniversityInternet Link Workshop 
July 20-21                         Beijing, CHINA 
National Chinyi Institute of TechnologyInternet Link / (CIC)Internet Link Workshop 
Sec. 1, Chung-Shan Road, Taiping 
Taichung, 411 TAIWAN, ROC 
July 23-24 
Please contact Chip Implementation Center (CIC) to reserve your seat. 

Universite Montpellier IIInternet Link (Institut des Sciences de l'Ingenieur de Montpellier) Workshop 
September 2-4                   Montpellier,  FRANCE 
Further details regarding lodging and transport will be available soon. 
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