OrCAD Express
OrCAD Express™ is a 32-bit Windows application that includes everything
you need for designing Xilinx FPGAs and CPLDs, as well as board-level schematics.
For FPGA/CPLD design, Express allows you to use schematics, VHDL or a combination
of both in a fully integrated design entry environment which includes VHDL
simulation and synthesis. Express' graphical block diagramming capability
can easily organize the most complex VHDL and schematic level designs,
with comprehensive file management provided by the Express project manager.
Express is tightly integrated with Xilinx XACT for quick place and route
of your designs, and facilitates painfree analysis of post-route timing
information. For board-level schematic design, Express provides an extensive
library of discrete components as well as the capability to automatically
create symbols for your FPGA/CPLDs. Express can export board netlists in
a variety of standard netlist formats to PCB layout tools, including OrCAD
Layout Plus.