What is the ModelSim Xilinx
Xilinx and Model Technology have teamed together to deliver the ModelSim
Xilinx Edition (XE) VHDL / Verilog Simulator to Xilinx customers. ModelSim
XE is a complete HDL simulation environment that has been optimized for
programmable logic design, enabling designers to verify source code and
functional and timing models of their design using a common "self-checking"
ModelSim XE simulation is available from Xilinx in two product
configurations: the ModelSim XE Starter which
is available for free to all registered, in-warranty Xilinx customers,
and ModelSim XE which Xilinx sells as a Development
System Option for $995.00 under a Xilinx Time-Based License model. For
customers who wish to
evaluate the performance and capacity of ModelSim XE, ModelSim
XE Evaluation is also available directly from the MXE CD.
Browse through the information below to learn more about the benefits
of HDL verification, the ModelSim family of products, and how you
can become a more productive designer.
Why use an HDL Simulator?
Today, more and more Programmable Logic Designers are creating their
designs using Hardware Description Languages (HDL). And why not?
With advancements in synthesis and optimization for programmable logic,
HDL design flows not only improve a designer's productivity, they also
consistently deliver high-performance designs.
Designers who use an HDL simulator in their HDL development methodology
are far more productive because they can discover problems earlier in the
design process. Using a common testbench throughout the design creation,
synthesis, and place-and-route process, designers can more quickly generate
highly verified designs, simplifying the test and integration task.
The benefit of a full HDL design flow that includes HDL simulation is
simple: you get your designs fully debugged and working in the system,
faster. How?
HDL simulation allows you to debug your design at the source code level,
pinpointing design problems directly to the line of code responsible for
the failure. Powerful HDL simulator debugging features make you more efficient.
For example, you can stop the simulation whenever a variable changes, or
step through a piece of code line by line, or trace a signal flow through
a design.
HDL simulation enables you to use reusable HDL testbenches throughout
the verification process. You can write tests in VHDL or Verilog which
apply stimulus to your design and check for the correct response. The same
“self-checking testbenches” can be used before synthesis, after synthesis,
and after place-and-route. As a way to improve design quality, it is easier
to let the testbench inspect the design for failures.
HDL simulation allows you to explore alternatives and determine design
tradeoffs quickly. You can create designs with thousands of logic gates
with just a few small modules of high level VHDL or Verilog code. And,
you can make major changes to the design quickly and simulate those changes
without running any synthesis or implementation tools.
The ModelSim Family of Products
* Evaluation versions of ModelSim XE, PE, and SE are
distributed on Xilinx' ModelSim XE CD.
Risk Free Upgrade Program
To make your investment in ModelSim XE risk free, Xilinx is including
a $1,000 voucher from MTI with the purchase of your ModelSim XE
product. This voucher is good towards the purchase of any ModelSim
PE or ModelSim SE product from Model Technology. With the purchase
of a product upgrade, you retain the right to use ModelSim XE through
the remainder of the term of your Time Based License. Coupling your
purchase of a ModelSim XE with an MTI upgrade means that your license
to use ModelSim XE is free!
Obtaining a Copy of ModelSim
Xilinx Edition
Who will receive a copy of the ModelSim XE CD?
The MXE CD is shipped as part of all Xilinx v2.1i Alliance and Foundation
Series programmable logic development systems. To purchase your copy of
Xilinx Alliance Series or Xilinx Foundation Series tools, contact your
local Xilinx Sales representative,
or visit the Xilinx
Silicon Xpresso Cafe . If you feel you are entitled
to a copy of the MXE CD, and have not received one, please contact
your Xilinx Customer Service representative.
The ModelSim XE is exclusively distributed, sold, and supported
by Xilinx and its distributors.
What is included on the ModelSim XE CD?
The ModelSim XE CD is the ModelSim
XE Starter, ModelSim XE, and evaluation versions of ModelSim
XE, PE, EE, and SE. A license for the ModelSim XE Starter is available
for free to all registered, in warranty users. Licenses for the ModelSim
XE product are sold by Xilinx as a development system option.
Product Details / Feature
Each of the ModelSim tools includes a complete HDL simulation
and debugging environment providing 100% VHDL and Verilog language coverage,
a source code viewer/editor, waveform viewer, design structure browser,
list window, and a host of other features designed to enhance productivity.
The following table illustrates the features available from various ModelSim
Features |
ModelSim Configuration
Available from |
100% compliant VHDL or Verilog simulation |
Complete HDL debugging environment |
Windows 95, 98, and NT Support |
Unix Support |
Appropriate for Device Densities in the
range of |
Less than 500 lines of HDL code |
Xilinx 9500, Spartan, low-density 4000X, and Virtex FPGAs
up to approximately 60,000 gates |
High Density CPLD and FPGA designs |
All designs, including extremely large FPGAs |
Typical simulation times |
10 Min.
10 Min.
2 Min.
30 Sec.
Supports mixed VHDL/Verilog designs |
Language-neutral licensing |
*Note: Simulation performance for ModelSim
XE diminishes by a factor of 2x for designs with more than 4000 lines of
RTL HDL code and by an additional 5x for designs with more than 30,000
lines of RTL HDL code.
ModelSim XE Starter - Enables designers
who are new to HDL design to experiment with creating small HDL designs
and test benches. Fully featured, the ModelSim XE Starter version
helps ease the transition to high-level FPGA design methodologies. This
product is most valuable for designers who have never investigated the
benefits of VHDL or Verilog simulation. It is available in both VHDL and
Verilog versions. ModelSim XE Starter has been optimized to use
with v2.1i and later design flows.
ModelSim XE - Provides a powerful step into
the world of HDL simulation with capacity and performance designed for
the verification of the Xilinx XC9500 CPLD and Spartan FPGA series of programmable
logic devices as well as lower-density XC4000 and Virtex series FPGAs.
ModelSim XE supports behavioral, RTL, and gate-level simulation
of Xilinx cell libraries. This product is most valuable for designers who
understand the benefits of VHDL or Verilog simulation and are now looking
for a cost effective solution for low density programmable logic design.
It is available in both VHDL and Verilog versions. ModelSim
XE has been optimized to use with v2.1i and later design flows.
ModelSim XE Evaluation - Supports the
same set of MXE devices and offers the full performance capabilities of
the MXE product. A 30 day trial license allows you to evaluate the MXE
product so that you may determine if it meets your performance criteria
before making an investment.
ModelSim PE (Personal Edition) - Delivers
the performance required for designing High-Density Programmable
Logic devices. ModelSim PE is sold and supported exclusively by
Model Technology and its distributors; however, Xilinx includes an evaluation
version of this product with every shipment of the ModelSim Xilinx
Edition Simulation CD. ModelSim PE is the product of choice for
designers who already understand the benefits of VHDL or Verilog simulation
and are investing in a HDL development environment that supports the design
of Xilinx higher density programmable logic devices. ModelSim PE
supports VHDL, Verilog, and mixed language design verification. A separate
license is required to enable the support of each Hardware Description
ModelSim EE/SE (Elite Edition/Special Edition)
- Includes all of the capabilities of the ModelSim PE product plus
a variety of advanced design verification features that further improve
simulation performance, frequently resulting in even faster time to market.
The list of features includes advanced analysis algorithms (like Bus Contention
and float checking), Accelerated VITAL and Verilog primitives, RTL acceleration,
SmartModel Support, and an ability to run your simulation on a UNIX based
workstation. More information on the ModelSim PE, EE, and SE products
is available from the Model Technology Product web site at http://www.model.com/pdf/prodcomp.pdf