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The JBits SDK contains a set of software tools and API's which let you create Xilinx Virtex bitstreams from Java code. Included is a graphical debugger called BoardScope, which allows you to view chip internals at runtime. BoardScope can also be used in simulator mode if hardware is unavailable.

The JBits SDK features:

  • JBits API for dynamic modification of Virtex bitstreams.
  • Support on JavaSoft's Java 2 JVM (NT and Solaris)
  • BoardScope interactive debug tool for Xilinx Virtex devices.
  • XHWIF standard hardware interface.
  • XVPI standard board interface for enabling the full power of JBits.
  • JRoute, a signal router.
  • RTPCores (Run Time Parameterizable Cores).
  • Tutorial.
  • Virtex Architecture Guide.
  • Sample JBits programs.
  • Example JBits cores.
  • User guides.
  • Javadocs.
  • DTTScript, a portable, interactive, core based tool for debugging run-time reconfigurable designs.
  • DeviceSimulator, a set of class files which allow the user to test bitstreams at the CLB level without hardware.

If there are questions or problems, please send an email to JBits@xilinx.com

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