Nallatech releases Ballynuey 3 development system for Xilinx Virtex-II FPGAs 
to solve IP security problems for DSP system and IP designers

LONDON, United Kingdom, March 5, 2001—Nallatech, Ltd., a Xilinx XPERTS partner, and Xilinx, Inc. (NASDAQ: XLNX) announced today that the two companies will team to deliver the XtremeDSP™ and Virtex™-II technical seminars in Europe starting March 6. Nallatech also announced Ballynuey 3, a new Virtex-II FPGA-based development system that gives DSP system designers and IP developers the confidence of knowing that their IP is secure. Dr. Malachy Devlin, innovations director at Nallatach and acknowledged expert in DSP and imaging systems, will discuss the Ballynuey 3 solution with FPGAs for high-performance DSP applications at the Xilinx™ seminars in Milan, Munich, Frankfurt, Oulu, Helsinki, Stockholm, Utrecht, and Antwerp. For complete schedule and registration information, view the Xilinx website at

 “IP developers have always wanted a secure high-performance platform to deliver their cores within high-performance DSP applications, " said Dr. Devlin. "The release of the powerful Ballynuey 3, which combines the Virtex-II and tried and tested DME architecture for FPGAs, signals an exciting new phase by providing a solution which gives the key combination of an encrypted environment with reconfigurable performance." 

The new Ballynuey 3 solution includes a blistering 64-bit PCI bus, internet reconfigurable logic, and the capability of retention encryption keys. Given their high-bandwidth performance, support for today's leading-edge I/O standards, and unprecedented memory capabilities, the Virtex-II FPGAs are a viable alternative to ASICs.  In addition, when used with the Ballynuey 3, they can leverage the wide range of DIME modules available from Nallatech. Along with the latest development software and a facility to update hardware through the Nallatech internet support lounges, the Ballynuey 3 is a major leap forward from the Ballynuey 2 in terms of advanced board design and system performance.

The full-day XtremeDSP and Virtex-II seminars have been segmented into two parts to target hardware and system designers in the morning and DSP designers and system architects in the afternoon. The morning sessions will focus on such topics as system design solutions and methodologies, and a roadmap for Virtex-II Platform FPGAs. The afternoon sessions will discuss topics like design solutions and methodologies for high-performance DSP in FPGAs as well as using FPGAs in digital communication and video/imaging systems.

“Xilinx created the XtremeDSP initiative along with key partners to address the need for flexible, high-performance DSP solutions,” said Per Holmberg, senior product marketing manager of the IP solutions division at Xilinx. “Nallatech complements our DSP solution by providing design services and development tools and we're excited to have them represented at the Xtreme DSP seminars."

About Xilinx
Xilinx is the leading innovator of complete programmable logic solutions, including advanced integrated circuits, software tools, predefined system functions delivered as cores and unparalled field engineering support. Founded in 1984 and headquartered in San Jose, Calif., Xilinx invented the field programmable gate array (FPGA) and fulfills more than half of the world demand for these devices today. Xilinx solutions enable customers to reduce significantly the time required to develop products for the computer, peripheral, telecommunications, networking, industrial control, instrumentation, high reliability/military and consumer markets. For more information, visit the Xilinx website at

About Nallatech
Nallatech has achieved its success through its industry-leading expertise in FPGA technology and close links as expert partners with Xilinx, the world’s leading manufacturer of FPGAs. The company has over 75% export sales to major blue-chip companies including Motorola, Kodak, Sony, Ericsson and BAE systems. Nallatech is a privately held company with corporate headquarters in Glasgow, Scotland, UK and offices in Bristol and Orlando, Florida.


Editorial Contact: Product Marketing Contact:
Jennifer Wright Per Holmberg
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