A configuration is a VHDL design element. A configuration explicitly
binds VHDL design entities together. Most commonly, a configuration is
used to bind a testbench top-level entity to the testbench top-level
architecture. Additionally, a configuration can be used to pass generics
to an instantiated component. Passing of generics via a configuration
lets a design use the same code for synthesis and simulation via the
UNISIM libraries.
The ROC cell is a UNISIM simulation model for the A1.4 (and later) XSI VHDL flow. The ROC cell
simulates the toggling of the GSR (Global Set/Reset) net in the XC4000 for both functional and timing simulation.
The ROCBUF cell like the ROC cell simulates the toggling of the GSR net in both
functional and timing simulation. Like ROC, ROCBUF is a UNISIM cell. The ROCBUF is used
when the user wants to control via a testbench the toggling of the GSR, but does not want to use
the GSR for the synthesized design. While the ROCBUF does add a port to the top-level entity, the
Xilinx A1.4 (and later) implementation tools will not add this port to the implemented FPGA design. The ROCBUF
is a simulation only cell. Use the -gp switch with NGD2VHDL to add this port to the backend simulation model.
SEDIF is the type of EDIF that Synopsys Design Compiler writes as an output. Note, that if
a user is using an EDIF file from Design Compiler, the file extension of the EDIF file must
be 'sedif'. Note the case. Ngdbuild is case-sensitive to file extensions. If the file extension
case is wrong, ngdbuild may not translate the EDIF file from Synopsys correctly.
SXNF is the type of XNF that FPGA Compiler writes out. Note, that while the SXNF file type appears
to resemble XNF very closely, it is not 100% XNF. If you want to use the XNF that FPGA Compiler writes out,
the file extension 'sxnf' must be used. Note the case. Ngdbuild is case-senstive with respect to file extensions.
If the wrong case and/or file extension is used, ngdbuild may not translate the SXNF file from FPGA Compiler
The TOC cell is a UNISIM simulation model for the A1.4 (and later) XSI VHDL flow. The TOC cell
simulates the toggling of the GTS (Global Tri-state) net in the XC4000 for both functional and timing simulation.
The TOCBUF cell like the TOC cell simulates the toggling of the GTS net in both
functional and timing simulation. Like TOC, TOCBUF is a UNISIM cell. The TOCBUF is used
when the user wants to control via a testbench the toggling of the GTS, but does not want to use
the GTS for the synthesized design. While the TOCBUF does add a port to the top-level entity, the
Xilinx A1.4 implementation tools will not add this port to the implemented FPGA design. The TOCBUF
is a simulation only cell. To replace this port in the back-end simulation model, use the
-tp switch when invoking NGD2VHDL.
VHDL Initiative Toward ASIC Libraries. A
VHDL-library standard (IEEE 1076.4) that defines
standard constructs for simulation modeling, accelerating and
improving the performance of VHDL simulators. The A1.4 XSI SIMPRIM and UNISIMVHDL libraries
and VITAL libraries.