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Xilinx at Work - Data Encryption

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Xilinx Solution Summary

The connected internet society is creating a hunger for more and more digital transactions. We have already created a $10 billion on-line shopping market. As more digital information becomes available, there is a strong need to safeguard confidential digital information such as credit cards and digital signatures used in eCommerce transactions. Data encryption is used to preserve data privacy and authentication. The Data Encryption Standard (DES) and its variant Triple -DES (TDES) has been adopted by the U.S. government as the federal standard for the encryption of commercial and sensitive-but-unclassified information.

Using the Spartan-II FPGA and the DES/TDES core, available through AllianceCORE partner Xentec, provides a low-cost data encryption solutions for use in a wide variety of applications such as secure internet solutions, electronic financial transactions, remote access servers, cable modems, secure video surveillance, encrypted data storage etc. Two cores have been optimized for use in the Spartan-II FPGAs and are available for immediate use.

  • X_DES Cryptoprocessor is a NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) certified DES
  • X_3DES Cryptoprocessor triple DES


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