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Mentor Graphics' Complete Design Flow for XtremeDSP

FPGA Advantage Logo

FPGA Advantage delivers the most powerful integrated HDL-based solution for FPGA design. This flow unites the multi-language, multi-platform design management capabilities of HDL Designer Series™, for creation, reuse and management, ModelSim®, the leading HDL simulation technology, and LeonardoSpectrum™ for advanced synthesis.

From Internet Explorer:
Click the Install Software link below.
Choose "Run this program from its current location" and select "OK".
Select "Yes" in response to the security warning.
Select "evaluation"

From Netscape:
Run Windows Explorer.
Navigate to the CD, MGC-FPGAADV/FPGADV directory
Double-click on setup.exe
Select "evaluation"

Click here to Install Software version 5.2

Click here for 30 day evaluation license


Install Mentor Graphics Licensing
(Not needed for evaluations)

Install Model Technology Licensing
(Not needed for evaluations)

FPGA Advantage Home Site | Upgrade Your Xilinx ModelSim XE to FPGA Advantage
ModelSim® Home Site | LeonardoSpectrum™ Home Site