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Support seteuid(2) identity changes port, edit sendmail/conf.h

To perform most kinds of delivery in a safe manner, sendmail must be able to change its root identity to that of another user, deliver as that user, and then restore its identity to root. The preferred method for doing this is with the V1 POSIX seteuid(2) routine. To determine whether your system correctly supports this routine, compile and run the program test/t_seteuid.c. The compiled binary must be suid-root and must be executed by an ordinary user:

# cc t_seteuid.c 
# chmod u+s a.out 
# suspend 
% ./a.out 
 ... lots of output here
This system cannot use seteuid

Here the output shows failure, so you do not have seteuid(2) support. Beginning with V8.8, a.out prints the following on success:

It is safe to define USESETEUID on this system

If the output had not shown failure or had shown success (if you had usable seteuid(2) support), you could take advantage of that support by defining USESETEUID in sendmail/conf.h (or include/sm/conf.h for V8.12 and above). In general, USESETEUID is correctly defined for all systems that can take advantage of this seteuid support.

If seteuid(2) failed, you need to investigate using setreuid(2) instead:

# cc t_setreuid.c
# chmod u+s a.out
# suspend
% ./a.out
initial uids (should be 678/0): r/euid=678/0
after setreuid(0, 1) (should be 0/1): r/euid=0/1
after setreuid(-1, 0) (should be 0/0): r/euid=0/0
after setreuid(realuid, 0) (should be 678/0): r/euid=678/0

after setreuid(0, 2) (should be 0/2): r/euid=0/2
after setreuid(-1, 0) (should be 0/0): r/euid=0/0
after setreuid(realuid, 0) (should be 678/0): r/euid=678/0

It is safe to define HASSETREUID on this system

Here, the test succeeded (no failure message was printed prior to V8.8). If your system can use setreuid(2), you can take advantage of it by defining HASSETREUID in sendmail/conf.h (or include/sm/conf.h for V8.12 and above).

No matter which you define, be sure to read sendmail/README for possible pitfalls. Note that HASSETREUID and USESETEUID are correctly defined for all currently supported systems. You need to define one only if you are porting sendmail to a completely new system.

If you are running a precompiled sendmail binary, you can use the -d0.1 debugging command-line switch (-d0.1) to discover whether HASSETREUID or USESETEUID support is included (if either appears in the list, support is included). New ports should be reported to so that they can be folded into future releases.

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